Ubuntu packages for pyexiv2 0.2

Written for pyexiv2 by Olivier Tilloy on 2010-04-12

Packages for pyexiv2 0.2.0 for the upcoming Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) are available in pyexiv2 developers' brand new PPA at https://launchpad.net/~pyexiv2-developers/+archive/ppa. They haven't been thoroughly tested, so feedback and bug reports are very welcome.

They are marked as conflicting with (and replacing) the official packages for 0.1.3, and they break the known reverse dependencies (lazygal and phatch-cli).

For people with experience in packaging and willing to review my work, the packaging branch is available at lp:~osomon/pyexiv2/python-pyexiv2-lucid.

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