
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Points2One 0.2.9 trunk 2013-01-18 Support the new QGIS API.
Points2One 0.2.8 trunk 2011-04-28 Translation support.
Points2One 0.2.7 trunk 2011-03-12 Fix lp:730963 Points2One, one node cases.
Points2One 0.2.6 trunk 2010-11-01 Fix encoding issues and some refactoring.
Points2One 0.2.5 trunk 2010-10-01
Points2One 0.2.4 trunk 2010-06-09 Improvement in encoding selection.
Points2One 0.2.3 trunk 2010-06-08 Fix: getSaveFileName does not allow keyword arguments in osgeo4w.
Points2One 0.2.2 trunk 2010-06-05
Points2One 0.2.1 trunk 2010-05-27