

Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
pcb future-feature-release trunk None not yet released
pcb future-bug-fix-release trunk None not yet released Future bug fix release.
pcb pcb-5.0.0 trunk 2022-12-31 not yet released Object Oriented entities and source files, drastic changes, the wish list, an...
pcb pcb-4.4.0 trunk 2022-12-01 not yet released New feature release
pcb pcb-4.3.1 trunk 2022-06-01 not yet released Bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.3.0 trunk 2021-03-01 Feature release requiring a pcb file format change
pcb pcb-4.2.2 trunk 2020-01-26 hot fix and bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.2.1 trunk 2019-12-31 New features and bug fix release (no pcb file format change).
pcb pcb-4.2.0 trunk 2019-01-31 New feature release focusing on improvements to the DRC.
pcb pcb-4.1.3 trunk 2018-10-01 bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.1.2 trunk 2018-05-13 bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.1.1 trunk 2018-03-31 bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.1.0 trunk 2017-12-31 new features release (pcb file format change)
pcb pcb-4.0.2 trunk 2017-08-31 bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.0.1 trunk 2017-04-30 bug fix release
pcb pcb-4.0.0 trunk 2017-01-22 major version release
pcb pcb-20140316 trunk 2014-03-16
pcb pcb-20110918 trunk 2011-02-01