Oxide branch-1.23

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
7 Chris Coulson, 2 Santosh
1 Good progress
11 Triaged, 2 In Progress, 2 Fix Released

1 blueprint and 15 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add an Ubuntu UI Toolkit implementation of the WebView Add an Ubuntu UI Toolkit implementation of the WebView 4 High   7 Good progress
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1532908 #1532908 Support the new content navigation API in Chromium 2 Critical Chris Coulson  7 Triaged
1324926 #1324926 WebView.reload() doesn't work for pages with post data 3 High   7 Triaged
1447345 #1447345 Support the unprivileged namespace sandbox 3 High Chris Coulson  7 Triaged
1547102 #1547102 Support switching between mobile and desktop scrollbars on converged devices 3 High Santosh  7 Triaged
1596897 #1596897 Intermittent failures in tst_WebView_executeEditingCommands.qml 3 High Chris Coulson  7 Triaged
1640788 #1640788 "Cancel" doesn't appear in the pot file 3 High   7 Triaged
1648195 #1648195 Add documentation for Oxide.Ubuntu module 3 High   7 Triaged
1650568 #1650568 Flashing blue frame when loading a page in oxide 1.19.6 on arale 3 High Chris Coulson  7 Triaged
1665633 #1665633 Context menu only opens downwards if there's not enough space above 3 High Chris Coulson  7 Triaged
1214048 #1214048 Initial support for autofill 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1647674 #1647674 Move UbuntuWebContextMenu / UbuntuWebContextMenuItem to qt/quick/api 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1637202 #1637202 Add file picker to UbuntuWebView 3 High Santosh  8 In Progress
1655660 #1655660 Consider replacing com.canonical.Oxide with Oxide.Ubuntu 3 High   8 In Progress
1675963 #1675963 Get rid of oxide bits in //ui/gl/init 4 Medium Chris Coulson  10 Fix Released
1676027 #1676027 Build the x11 ozone platform 1 Undecided Chris Coulson  10 Fix Released
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