Stéphane Bidoul (Acsone)
This project hosts open source OpenERP addons that are specific to the Luxembourg market.
!!! code is no hosted at https:/
Available now:
- l10n_lu_ext: extensions and improvements to l10n_lu, with a goal of integrating them in OpenERP as soon as possible
- multiline payment interface
- multiline bank statements interface
- l10n_lu_ecdf: electronic deposit of annual reports (account chart, balance sheet, profit and loss)
Project information
- Part of:
- OpenERP Project Group
- Maintainer:
- OpenERP Luxembourg Localization
- Driver:
- OpenERP Luxembourg Localization
- Licence:
- GNU Affero GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
6.1 series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- python