OpenERP Magento Connector (also known as MagentoERPconnect) is a bi-directional connector, 100% compatible with the last OpenERP 7.0 and latest Magento versions.
Based on the OpenERP Connector framework, this new release of MagentoERPconnect has been initiated by Camptocamp and is mainly developed and maintained by Camptocamp and Akretion with several other contributors.
The team for the community is here: https:/
Please join and subscribe to the mailing list.
*Code hosting*: the code is now hosted on https:/
Mirror branches have been setup on Launchpad
Project information
- Licence:
- GNU Affero GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
7.0 series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1468003: Import a record from Magento(product) getting error
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Bug #1393323: OpenERP Connector - Magento not support for Odoo 8.0
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Bug #1380713: Answer.Cost price not sync + customized field not sync
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Bug #1361012: Order status not getting imported into open erp
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Bug #1359708: Issue with Product categories mapping from Magento to OpenErp: ProductImportMapper