Duncan McGreggor
The Open Input Framework project encompasses the Canonical multitouch and gesture stack ancillary development.
Project information
- Part of:
- Canonical Multitouch
- Maintainer:
- PS Project Management Team
- Driver:
- Open Input Framework Team
- Licence:
- GNU LGPL v3, MIT / X / Expat Licence
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1485273: Touchscreen does not work for a tablet connected with an external monitor for 14.04
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Bug #970883: guesture recognition
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Bug #965741: movement speed is far too fast
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Bug #844891: utouch-patched synaptics driver causes X crash
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Bug #842693: Touchpad gesture not customizable or cannot turn off all or selected gestures
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Rethink the Gestures language scenarios and implementation
Registered -
Create a visualizer plugin in compiz for touch
Registered -
Gesture Integration in Unity for Natty
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Open Input Framework QA Work for Natty
Registered -
GTK App Support for Touch