
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
OggConvert 0.3.3 "Where did you go..." trunk None
OggConvert 0.3.2 "...and some blood on my shirt" trunk None This is the latest release of OggConvert, a simple Gnome utility to convert m...
OggConvert 0.3.1 ""These are my decisions, these are my mistakes"" trunk None This is the latest release of OggConvert, a simple Gnome utility to convert m...
OggConvert 0.3.0.rc trunk None
OggConvert 0.3.0 ""Taught to drown but told to swim"" trunk None This is the third major release of OggConvert, a simple Gnome utility to conv...
OggConvert trunk None
OggConvert 0.2.1 "Blitzkrieg and the doodlebug" trunk None This is the third release of OggConvert, a simple Gnome utility to convert me...
OggConvert 0.2.0 ""I walk around my house and think of you with nothing on"" trunk None This is the second release of OggConvert, a simple Gnome utility to convert m...
OggConvert 0.1.0 ""People in corridors, people in doorways"" trunk None First release -- get testing!