
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
nova-deployment-tool cactus1.3 cactus None
nova-deployment-tool cactus1.2 cactus None
nova-deployment-tool cactus1.1 "official release for cactus" cactus 2011-06-01 add support for glance and swift installation
nova-deployment-tool cactus1.0 "official release for cactus" cactus 2011-04-15 Official release for the cactus release of nova
nova-deployment-tool rc-cactus "release candidate for cactus" cactus 2011-04-03 Tested for nova rev.877 on single machine configulation
nova-deployment-tool bexar1.0 "official release for the bexar release of nova" bexar 2011-02-04
nova-deployment-tool rc-bexar "release candidate for bexar " bexar 2011-02-02
nova-deployment-tool bexar trunk 2011-01-01 Release's milestone which corresponds nova bexar release.