News and announcements

netrek-server-osx-merge branch merged into the main repository

Written for Netrek Server by Bob Tanner on 2009-08-31

After a fixing a "find-and-replace" error, James accepted the netrek-server-osx branch into the main repository.

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BRMH 2.6.0 branch created; IPv6 plans

Written for Netrek Client BRMH by karthik on 2009-07-30

The first snapshot of BRMH 2.6.0 has been released for public consumption. While there are no groundbreaking features in this release, the next pre-release of BRMH will contain IPv6 support. I believe this is important because you WILL need to know IPv6 within the next 5 years if you're in the computing industry. In other words: you will be able to use netrek as an IPv6 playground, so it's a good chance to polish your IPv6 skills. There are several providers that will give you a free IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel to the public IPv6 Internet; I recommend and

I've already started adding IPv6 support to the server and metaserver; hacking it into newstartd for TCP-only support was trivial, but getting UDP and DNS and everything else working smoothly is a bit more work. But anyways, the next BRMH release will be paired with server patches for full IPv6 support, and I hope to see other clients add similar support as well.

COW source code continues to be maintained in darcs

Written for Netrek Client COW by James Cameron on 2009-06-16

The source code for netrek-client-cow continues to be maintained in darcs, please ensure that any patches or changes are pushed upstream _out of launchpad_ to the distributed development team. The project repository is and developer repositories are described in the file REPOSITORIES, the release engineer's repository is ... while we may later move to bazaar there are no significant contributions at this time to merit the effort, and all current developers are capable of using darcs.

Updated .

netrek-client-cow 3.3.0 released

Written for Netrek Client COW by James Cameron on 2009-06-16

Includes a reworked initial screen, tips on how to play, performance critique by server after death, and adoption of the previously separately shipped pixmap graphics. Sound support has also been reworked, but sound samples are not yet shipped.

res-rsa-2.9.3 released

Written for Netrek RES-RSA by Bob Tanner on 2009-06-11

res-rsa-2.9.3 released

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