News and announcements

netrek-server moved to github

Written for Netrek Server by James Cameron on 2017-02-07

Launchpad project is deprecated.

netrek-server-vanilla 2.16.0 was released

Written for Netrek Server by Bob Tanner on 2009-09-01
2434a02b5e01646c7fc55bc1185ea3c5 netrek-server-vanilla-2.16.0.tar.gz

Also available on

LTD_STATS is now default. If you are upgrading from 2.15.0, be sure to
keep LTD_STATS in include/config.h defined as before, otherwise your
player database will become inaccessible.

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netrek-server-osx-merge branch merged into the main repository

Written for Netrek Server by Bob Tanner on 2009-08-31

After a fixing a "find-and-replace" error, James accepted the netrek-server-osx branch into the main repository.

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Fixed branding transparency

Written for Netrek by Bill Balcerski on 2009-06-11

Icon and logo both lacked a transparent background, fixed it.

Netrek Project a Featured Project on Launchpad Homepage

Written for Netrek by collinp on 2009-06-07

I have noticed that the Netrek Project has been a featured project on the Launchpad homepage for quite some time, but I thought it would be nice to bring it to the attention of the community. Its amazing that we have drawn enough attention to get this honour.

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