Mir 0.17.0
Milestone information
- Project:
- Mir
- Series:
- 0.17
- Version:
- 0.17.0
- Released:
- Registrant:
- Alexandros Frantzis
- Release registered:
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- 4 Alan Griffiths, 6 Alberto Aguirre, 1 Alexandros Frantzis, 1 Brandon Schaefer, 1 Chris Halse Rogers, 2 Daniel van Vugt, 1 Tiago Stürmer Daitx
- Blueprints:
- No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
- Bugs:
- 16 Fix Released
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Release notes
- ABI summary: Only servers and graphics drivers need rebuilding;
. Mirclient ABI unchanged at 9
. Mirserver ABI bumped to 35
. Mircommon ABI unchanged at 5
. Mirplatform ABI bumped to 11
. Mirprotobuf ABI bumped to 3
. Mirplatformgraphics ABI bumped to 6
. Mirclientplatform ABI unchanged at 3
- Enhancements:
. Introduce libmircookie, a simple mechanism for a group of cooperating
processes to hand out and verify difficult-to-forge timestamps to
untrusted 3rd parties.
. More refactorings to support renderers other than GL.
. Add MirBlob to the client API - a tool for serializing and
deserializing data.
. Introduce a libinput based input platform, not yet used by default.
. Provide a mechanism for the shell to send events on surface
. Provide mir::shell:
to correctly change the display configuration, notifying clients
as appropriate.
. New DSO versioning guide.
. Send events pertaining to the output a surface is currently on (dpi,
form factor, scale) to clients.
- Bug fixes: see full changelog