News and announcements

Robolicious! Midori Web Browser version 8 was released!

Written for Midori Web Browser by Cris Dywan on 2019-03-04

The cat is out of the bag! 😼 Version 8 of your favorite Midori web browser has been released! 😎 Now available on Android phones and tablets! 🤖 Robolicious! 😋

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Bag of buglets

Written for Midori Web Browser by Michael Moroni on 2012-05-16

Time for a bag full of bug fixes. Prominently 0.4.5 has a regression that causes security status to not work at all, so I urge all 0.4.5 users to update immediately.

We fixed potential crasher bugs in the geolocation infobar, about:version on some systems and opening bookmarks from Unity global menu in Ubuntu 12.04.

Problems with wrong page icons in multi-frame sites like Google Mail or Tumbler have been addressed. If WebKit 1.8.0 is available Midori will use its WebKitFaviconDatabase interface to improve page icon consistency.

Chinese users will like that Midori now offers both Simplified and Traditional Chinese charsets out of the box in case you need to override it.

Finally, say goodbye to empty tabs due to opening download links with a target. Kudos to Martin for looking into that!

So download Midori v0.4.6 (951 kB) (MD5) (ChangeLog) already!

Also Midori v0.4.5 Stable for Windows (12 MB) and Midori v0.4.5 Experimental for Windows (30 MB). You are welcome to join #midori on and help testing pre-releases for Windows. YOU can make the difference by helping out!

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Speeder dials, fancier fonts and forbidden cookie files

Written for Midori Web Browser by Michael Moroni on 2011-11-11

The time for Midori 0.4.2 has come! Another exciting release of the WebKit-based web browser.

The most crucial bit first: the bookmark dialog crashes are fixed. If nothing else that's
a good reason to upgrade to Midori 0.4.2.

So we have faster, base64-based CSS support for globally valid user stylesheets and adblock rules. And styles can apply to about: and file:// URIs. Parsing of -moz-document which is used to select domains or schemes to apply styles to was improved.

Speed dial received a makeover. It resizes automatically now, has neatly embossed tiles and shows close buttons on hover - which show on the left if your system/ theme expects that. If thumbnails are missing they will be refreshed without intervention.

Cookies are stored in an sqlite3 database. Import of existing data happens in the background. And you can decide whether you want third-party cookies or not, the default is in fact to not accept cookies coming from websites you don't actually visit.

There are loads more of subtle tweaks and improvements. A lot of code was actually refactored and removed to ensure that Midori stays the lightweight it aims to be. See the change log for those details.

Support for GTK+3 is still considered experimental and not recommended for daily use. Build with --enable-gtk3 --disable-addons to try it out.

So download midori v0.4.2 (902 kB) (MD5) (ChangeLog) already!

Stable Windows binaries below. You are welcome to join #midori on and help testing pre-releases for Windows. YOU can make the difference by helping out!

Midori Win32 Archive v0.4.2 (14.5 MB)

And these are experimental, unstable Windows binaries. Lots of known and unknown bugs are the price you pay for being on the bleeding edge. Detailed error reports are especially helpful here. GtkLauncher.exe and gdb.exe are included to make debugging easier. So go wild, as long as you keep in mind that this is not for the fain of heart.

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Building, private browsing and identity crisis

Written for Midori Web Browser by Michael Moroni on 2011-10-10

So this release builds with WebKitGTK+ >= 1.4.3 without problems and addresses regressions with middle clicking toolbar buttons. Flash window on background tabs works correctly now and cookies are cleared on quit like they should if you enable it.

There's a separate Private Browsing shortcut now so that you can see it in GNOME Shell, Unity, Slingshort or Synapse and also type "private" to easily open a private browsing session. Closed tabs can now be re-opened in private browsing (but won't be saved once you close it as you would expect). You can also see downloaded files in supporting launchers now as recent documents.

The new Automatic option for Identify As now enables built-in compatiblity quirks to work around mis-behaving websites like Google's. You can still choose a genuine Midori identity which doesn't do that.

There's also experimental GTK+3 support thanks to Lucas. For now it is not recommended because there are still issues to sort out. Build with --enable-gtk3 --disable-addons to try it out.

So download midori v0.4.1 already!

There's no Windows update yet, stay tuned! You are welcome to join #midori on and help testing pre-releases for Windows.

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Fixed crashers, faster json-import and fewer allocations

Written for Midori Web Browser by Michael Moroni on 2011-05-16

This is a bugfix release, peppered with a few minor goodies as usual. There were issues with importing the older speed dial configuration at startup on some systems, and crashes when using the address completion. An issue with icon sizes in error pages as well as handling of https URLs in Adblock were also resolved.

Motivated by confusion of users of Adblock, URIs in Adblock, when adding bookmarks and when changing the homepage are no validated visually.
Backspace and F5 now serve as Back and Reload accordingly to cater for strong habits of some users and making the experience of casual users a bit smoother.

Now for the bonus, geo URI support, which is a fairly new standard for URIs such as


which you can open in Midori to have it show a map of the location as of now. This blog unfortunately doesn't allow me to insert geo: links, so you have to copy the address to the location and hit Enter to open it. There used to be extensions to support this in Firefox and Chrome, both of which unfortunately haven't been maintained recently. Midori can also serve as a system-wide handler of the geo: scheme on Unix systems (GLib >= 2.28).

As a reminder, the user agent strings changed with Midori 0.3.5 and if you used to pretend that you're browsing with Safari or Firefox, try going back to identifying as Midori. Typical issues such as Facebook and other websites mistaking Midori for a mobile phone browser or Google hiding interface tweaks have been addressed with this change.

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