OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila) epoxy-3

Milestone information

OpenStack Shared File Systems Service (Manila)
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
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4 Ashley Rodriguez, 1 Carlos Eduardo, 3 Gireesh Awasthi, 3 Goutham Pacha Ravi, 1 Lucas Morais de oliveira, 1 Romain Dupont, 1 Saikumar Pulluri, 4 Saravanan Manickam, 1 Takashi Kajinami, 1 haixin, 1 kiran pawar
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
11 Triaged, 11 In Progress, 2 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 24 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1943829 #1943829 tempest test failure due to incorrect provisioned_capacity_gb 4 Medium haixin  7 Triaged
1972867 #1972867 [FT] Error in MySQL "test_walk_versions" 4 Medium Saravanan Manickam  7 Triaged
2049528 #2049528 Simple scheduler with cephfs backend throws a stacktrace 4 Medium Goutham Pacha Ravi  7 Triaged
2073129 #2073129 CIFS / SMB share creation using the same neturon network and different share networks or different neutron networks and different share networks both fail with the following errors. Errors thrown are both from reusing ipspace and errors over netapp flow. 4 Medium Gireesh Awasthi  7 Triaged
2073599 #2073599 NetApp: inefficient scheduling of shares when using SVM scoped account 4 Medium Gireesh Awasthi  7 Triaged
2089062 #2089062 Creating backups APIs should check for the existence of shares/access locks 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2097522 #2097522 NetApp: delete vlan even if ipspace is reused 4 Medium kiran pawar  7 Triaged
1585241 #1585241 Share Replication: File-based locks don't provide concurrency control in multi-node/multi-AZ deployments 5 Low Goutham Pacha Ravi  7 Triaged
1915094 #1915094 [doc] Stale pools data not removed from cache after timeout 5 Low Saravanan Manickam  7 Triaged
2037285 #2037285 [RFE][NetApp] Rest API: enhance create_port_and_broadcast_domain 5 Low Saravanan Manickam  7 Triaged
2081827 #2081827 Improve api performance when purging deleted records 5 Low   7 Triaged
1824442 #1824442 Manila's share networks API exposes privileged network information 4 Medium   8 In Progress
2012742 #2012742 netapp driver has code incompatible with oslo.config backend drivers 4 Medium Romain Dupont  8 In Progress
1660825 #1660825 [RFE] Share capabilities are missing from share instance model 5 Low Saravanan Manickam  8 In Progress
1868088 #1868088 RFE: Provide an admin API to query quotas for all user in a project 5 Low Carlos Eduardo  8 In Progress
1936689 #1936689 no validation when creating share group type 5 Low Ashley Rodriguez  8 In Progress
1964089 #1964089 share server list slow 5 Low Gireesh Awasthi  8 In Progress
1966807 #1966807 Remove status field from security services API 5 Low Lucas Morais de oliveira  8 In Progress
2011614 #2011614 Ceph/NFS driver hits ganesha export ID limit 5 Low Ashley Rodriguez  8 In Progress
2015325 #2015325 volume_type in share details view 5 Low Ashley Rodriguez  8 In Progress
2019156 #2019156 CephFS driver doesn't allow generic group snapshots 5 Low Ashley Rodriguez  8 In Progress
2075981 #2075981 manila_tempest_tests.tests.scenario.test_share_extend fails with CephFS 5 Low Goutham Pacha Ravi  8 In Progress
2080951 #2080951 [NetApp] Creating share via rest is failing when dedupe and compression extra specs are not passed 4 Medium Saikumar Pulluri  10 Fix Released
2097445 #2097445 manila-all script is generated during installation but can no longer be used 4 Medium Takashi Kajinami  10 Fix Released
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