Mahara 17.04rc1

Milestone information

Robert Lyon
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Release notes 

Mahara 17.04rc1 Release Notes

This is a release candidate of Mahara 17.04. Release candidates should
have no major bugs affecting the installation, upgrade path or general Mahara
usage, but nevertheless may have bugs in these areas. You can report bugs to
the tracker:

In this release, upgrading from the 1.6 stable version is possible. This does
not mean that this should be done on a live website! Please perform any testing
you might want to make on either a new install of this release or a copy of
your site.

This release includes:

 * Bug 1652995: Phpmailer security update (v5.2.21)
 * Bug 1651018: Undefined variable: type in Content screen. Prod mode=true
 * Bug 1648089: The pop-up help window pops up when the content is too long

As mentioned above, the upgrade should not be attempted on a live site yet.
Instead, make a copy of your database and dataroot, set up a new Mahara using
them, and test upgrading on that.


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* Bug 1652995: Phpmailer security update (v5.2.21)
 * Bug 1651018: Undefined variable: type in Content screen. Prod mode=true
 * Bug 1648089: The pop-up help window pops up when the content is too long

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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