MAAS 2.3.x

Milestone information

No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
4 Andres Rodriguez, 1 Anthony Dillon, 3 Graham Bancroft, 1 Jason Hobbs, 10 Karl Williams, 1 Kit Randel, 3 Lee Trager, 1 Lilyana Videnova, 1 Martin Storey, 4 Mike Pontillo, 3 Newell Jensen, 4 Steve Rydz
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 New, 1 Opinion, 153 Invalid, 9 Won't Fix, 1 Expired, 1 Confirmed, 11 Triaged, 2 In Progress, 3 Fix Committed, 21 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 203 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1713094 #1713094 [2.x] Make maas-proxy more configurable 1 Undecided   0 New
1618467 #1618467 cloud-init does not take into consideration proxy when adding PPA's. 1 Undecided   2 Opinion
1625910 #1625910 [2.1] MAAS doesn't have routing to BMC IP, but MAAS shows the power as ON 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1712106 #1712106 [2.2] builtins.OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: '/var/lib/maas/secret' 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1738478 #1738478 [2.4] Can't compose a machine on a kvm pod due to "compose() got an unexpected keyword argument 'skip_commissioning'" 2 Critical Newell Jensen  3 Invalid
1313937 #1313937 [doc] No documentation for custom commissioning scripts 3 High   3 Invalid
1319600 #1319600 maas-cli stack trace if .maascli.db unreadable 3 High   3 Invalid
1431156 #1431156 When a custom image is added, multiple OS entries are created for it 3 High   3 Invalid
1608559 #1608559 [UI, UX] Bad error message when failing to create a range because another already exists 3 High   3 Invalid
1621647 #1621647 MAAS 2.0 SSL verification error when adding UCSM chassis 3 High   3 Invalid
1630681 #1630681 [2.x] MAAS rack controller cannot auto discover interfaces on whitebox switches 3 High   3 Invalid
1636933 #1636933 [2.2.0, web UI] admin can create RAID array or Bcache for an allocated node 3 High   3 Invalid
1638600 #1638600 [2.x, API] Creating a user with an email that is already in use returns an unfriendly error message 3 High   3 Invalid
1643403 #1643403 [2.1.1] regiond requests to going via external proxy and failing 3 High   3 Invalid
1646571 #1646571 apt's preserve_sources_list should be the same for v2 and v3 3 High   3 Invalid
1648515 #1648515 [2.1, UI] Cloning of options under 'Other images' after implementing a new custom image source 3 High   3 Invalid
1648528 #1648528 Trying to update a boot-source-selection when the image import is stopped returns '{'os': ['OS ubuntu with release xenial has no available images for download']} 3 High   3 Invalid
1663614 #1663614 [performance] MAAS creates a websocket connection per tab 3 High   3 Invalid
1664558 #1664558 [UI] Save machine without MAC address does nothing 3 High   3 Invalid
1664618 #1664618 Spurious test failure in TestPostgresListenerService.test__handles_missing_system_handler_on_notification 3 High   3 Invalid
1668329 #1668329 [2.2, 2.1] ssh key comment contains unicode character - node deployment fails 3 High   3 Invalid
1670886 #1670886 [2.x] BIND config should include option "empty-zones-enable no" 3 High Andres Rodriguez  3 Invalid
1678231 #1678231 [2.1.5] node marked broken then fixed retains auto assigned IP in ready state 3 High   3 Invalid
1680398 #1680398 Improper separator used when parsing OAuth Authorization Header 3 High   3 Invalid
1688013 #1688013 [2.2] MAAS doesn't deal gracefully with an offline rack controller 3 High   3 Invalid
1689852 #1689852 [2.2RC3] MAAS doesn't handle switching BIOS from Legacy to UEFI 3 High   3 Invalid
1693358 #1693358 VLAN name mismatch between web UI and API 3 High   3 Invalid
1695290 #1695290 [2.2] If 99-maas-02-capture-lldp times out, the machine gets marked failed commissioning 3 High   3 Invalid
1696285 #1696285 Machines that fail hardware testing need to be marked broken before they can be recommissioned 3 High   3 Invalid
1711416 #1711416 [2.3, snap] NTP not running when split rack controller is a snap 3 High Andres Rodriguez  3 Invalid
1712096 #1712096 [2.x] Ephemeral environment lacks modules: modprobe: FATAL: Module 8021q not found in directory /lib/modules/4.10.0-32-generic 3 High   3 Invalid
1712602 #1712602 [2.3] Node commissioning removes a manually created tag 3 High   3 Invalid
1718706 #1718706 [2.3, tgt] When not using tgt, MAAS shouldn't be managing tgt 3 High Lee Trager  3 Invalid
1721266 #1721266 [2.3, HWTv2] Unable to run destructive test if machine is in Ready state 3 High Newell Jensen  3 Invalid
1727577 #1727577 [2.3, HWTv2] Hardware Test tab updates UI when tests selected but not running 3 High   3 Invalid
1727721 #1727721 Show errors when adding a chassis 3 High Kit Randel  3 Invalid
1730018 #1730018 docs: MAAS HA - better documentation 3 High   3 Invalid
1731243 #1731243 [2.3rc2, UI] I clicked map subnet doesn't work (while Network discovery was disabled) 3 High   3 Invalid
1731244 #1731244 [2.3rc2] Save button doesn't work in Subnet Details page. 3 High   3 Invalid
1801752 #1801752 [2.3] Exception: 'Authorization Error: Invalid API key. 3 High   3 Invalid
1556085 #1556085 Adding boot-source keyring_data is confusing 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1558000 #1558000 [patch] Existing user "maas" is used/removed when installing/removing maas-common 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1565467 #1565467 twistd3 crashed with PermissionError in touch(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/maas/rackd.conf' 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1612620 #1612620 [2.1 API] MAAS server endpoint set_config operation returns the text 'OK' rather than an object or redirect 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1612668 #1612668 [2.1 API] devices endpoint 'set_zone' operation returns null on success 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1613215 #1613215 [2.x, API] devices endpoint has redundant power_parameters operation 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1651252 #1651252 [2.x, UI] node table uses lexical sort for disk size and unknown sort for disk count 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1653805 #1653805 [2.x] ipmi command time's out while changing boot order 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1658990 #1658990 [2.1, doc] `machines create` CLI and API docs need power_parameters reference 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1659311 #1659311 [2.1, CLI] 'subnets create' command parameter value expectations are inconsistent 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1660498 #1660498 ipv6 address in power parameters should not require [] 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1660883 #1660883 Node failed to deploy, says to check installation log, but there isn't one 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1666521 #1666521 [2.x] MAAS does not detect RAM in newly commissioned VMWARE VM's 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1668650 #1668650 [2.1] When min-hwe kernel is hwe-16.04, it fails to deploy Trusty with unfriendly error message. 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1672088 #1672088 [2.x] MAAS should not set bond-lacp_rate in active-backup mode 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1679844 #1679844 [2.2, UI] Pressing <enter> in the UI should not cancel actions 4 Medium Karl Williams  3 Invalid
1680266 #1680266 [2.x, API] interface update will return successful with invalid params 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1681777 #1681777 [2.2.0rc2, UI, Nodes] The error message for an action stays on the page and stacks with other actions configuration 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1681789 #1681789 [doc] Document that Windows Images need to be recreated on Upgrade from 1.9 to 2.1.x due to python3. 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1682189 #1682189 [2.2, UI] Image OS shows up twice in dropdown when deploying 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1683786 #1683786 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] Some (interactive) UI components open with space and others with Enter and Space 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1683811 #1683811 [2.2.0rc2, UI, Machine details] When I am editing an interface and I click on the contextual menu of the previous interface, I cannot see the edit action 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1683864 #1683864 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] Explicitly indicate the required fields in forms 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1684070 #1684070 [Subnets page, UX Improvement] Present the utilisation summary in a graphic way (per Pod-Storage design) 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1684140 #1684140 [2.2.0rc2, Subnets, UX Improvement] Introduce a secondary nav in the subnet details page 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1686464 #1686464 [2.2, API] set-storage-layout fails silently when invoked by a non-admin 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1686887 #1686887 juju does not properly prioritize constraints in a v4 bundle 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1689334 #1689334 [UX, 2.2] When adding a device the feedback should appear on the same row in the table as the device 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1690882 #1690882 Send hostname of Pod to driver to allow better log messages 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1690883 #1690883 Drivers cannot post notifications 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1695994 #1695994 [2.2] Error message when MAAS cannot resolve upstream is not user friendly 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1696272 #1696272 [UI] Clicking on info icon toggles option 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1698767 #1698767 [2.2.0rc3] Pod local storage gets added up even if on the same disk 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1699622 #1699622 [2.2] dhcp-acquired IP address of a node in rescue mode disappears from cli output and web ui 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1701400 #1701400 [2.3] Events page no longer auto-updates in chrome 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1701701 #1701701 [2.x] maas doesn't warn/block rescue mode when user has no ssh keys 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1703712 #1703712 [2.3] IP addresses not listed for devices when they are 'Dynamic' 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1703895 #1703895 BMC static allocated addresses are not associated with nodes in subnet list 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1704176 #1704176 [2.3] django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: ['xenial has no kernels available.'] 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1704993 #1704993 [2.x, UI, backend] MAAS dashboard shows maas registered containers that were removed 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1707218 #1707218 Unable to Deploy PowerEdge R730xd Server 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1708289 #1708289 [2.3] rackd logs excessively if region is not available 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1713788 #1713788 [2.x] When adding a custom image filetype needs to be overwriten when it could be determined 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1719440 #1719440 [2.3, UI, regression] Expanding Description text box on Vlan Details page, causes all other editable fields to expand 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1720242 #1720242 MAAS post-inst script can create duplicate lines in named.conf.local 4 Medium Andres Rodriguez  3 Invalid
1721523 #1721523 [2.3] tgt continues to get restarted and managed even when disabled 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1721869 #1721869 [2.3, UI] DHCP address doesn't show in machine details page 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1722526 #1722526 [2.3] Cannot power manage a region/rack controller (which was a node deployed by MAAS) 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1727754 #1727754 [2.3, API] Creating a bridge requires parent's id, instead of name. 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1729638 #1729638 Allow to keep an unlimited number of test results 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1729840 #1729840 [2.3b3, UI] The SSH keys table in Account is inconsistent with the pattern 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1729904 #1729904 [2.3, HWTv2] Add warning icon with a tooltip for overriden status in machine details submeny and the header 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1731886 #1731886 [2.3rc2, UI]There is an action override failed testing in the controller but there is no hardware testing informatio 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1732788 #1732788 [UI] Browser back button doesn't go back to the correct tab on the node details page 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1732927 #1732927 [2.3, UI] Erroneous IP Already in use when setting interface to unconfigured 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1732942 #1732942 [2.3, UI] Unable to set interface back to 'Disconnected' 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1588093 #1588093 [2.0-bzr5059] UI reports "Node must be connected to a network" after creating bond 5 Low   3 Invalid
1646133 #1646133 [Device discovery] Show Last seen relative to now 5 Low   3 Invalid
1659174 #1659174 [UI, 2,1, 2.2] Incorrect lowercase letters enforced by CSS 5 Low   3 Invalid
1681464 #1681464 [UI, 2.2.0rc2] Footer - External links on mobile should be in own row 5 Low Graham Bancroft  3 Invalid
1681780 #1681780 [2.3beta3, UI] Network discovery] Device discovery - Sticky table row heading alignment broken 5 Low   3 Invalid
1682163 #1682163 [2.2.0rc2, UI] In custom source when I add invalid URL format the error message wording needs to be updated 5 Low   3 Invalid
1682379 #1682379 [2.2, UI, mobile] In the machine card, there is an empty row between Power state and status 5 Low   3 Invalid
1683741 #1683741 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] When I am adding a device, when I have added a second interface, the x to delete it doesn't receive focus 5 Low   3 Invalid
1683758 #1683758 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] As I am adding a machine and I have focused on the power type dropdown with my keyboard, when I press Enter a new MAC address gets added 5 Low   3 Invalid
1683826 #1683826 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] Machine details-Interfaces. When I tab through the page using my keyboard, the table header Name|MAC doesn't receive focus 5 Low   3 Invalid
1683849 #1683849 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] (Using my keyboard) If I am in a page with no interactive elements the focus jumps from the secondary navigation to the footer and I have no way to scroll down the page 5 Low   3 Invalid
1683856 #1683856 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] Images-Custom source. When I am focused in the URL input field, when I press Enter the Show/Hide Advanced options changes state 5 Low Karl Williams  3 Invalid
1683863 #1683863 [2.3 beta 1, Accessibility] Add an input field for machine name and machine domain in Machine details->Settings 5 Low Martin Storey  3 Invalid
1688117 #1688117 Unable to delete images when disconnected from SimpleStream source 5 Low   3 Invalid
1716894 #1716894 When trying to enable DHCP on a vlan with unmanaged subnets the message is confusing 5 Low   3 Invalid
1721270 #1721270 [2.3, UI, HWTv2] In the Hardware Test tab, 'view log' show be in its own colum 5 Low   3 Invalid
1722538 #1722538 Server header should provide MAAS version 5 Low   3 Invalid
1723232 #1723232 [2.3, UI] Move event log dates to the left 5 Low   3 Invalid
1730693 #1730693 [2.3rc2, UI] The chevron in the filtering does not update when expanded 5 Low   3 Invalid
1732594 #1732594 [UI] Viewing uploaded scripts in UI has spacing stripped 5 Low   3 Invalid
1393944 #1393944 No warning when the dynamic IP range is close to exhaustion 6 Wishlist Mike Pontillo  3 Invalid
1445574 #1445574 [1.9 feature] Node metrics - MAAS doesn't provide node utilization over time information 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1598116 #1598116 [2.0] Digital Loggers PDU are not cycled before commissioning/deployment 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1610381 #1610381 MAAS UI doesn't indicate the time and date a node was created 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1632498 #1632498 [2.1] `maas-rack observe-dhcp` command only supports IPv4 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1639090 #1639090 [2.2] figure out how to model IPv6 autoconf addresses properly 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1651455 #1651455 [2.1] For debugging purposes, we need a way to obtain a rendered PXE/grub config sent to machines on tftp 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1660589 #1660589 [2.x, UI] In the interfaces list add parenthesis to the value Unconfigured for unconfigured Subnets 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1663387 #1663387 MAAS should print its version string to its logs on startup 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1664424 #1664424 Add easy BMC console access to MAAS 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1671415 #1671415 [2.2, UI] Cannot edit or delete container interfaces 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1674747 #1674747 [2.1] Cannot sync with an upstream NTP server with stratum=9 or larger 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1674866 #1674866 Default gateway (per-subnet) should have a metric value 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1677444 #1677444 [2.2+, UI] Cannot select composed machines from POD details to perform actions (e.g. deploy) 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1680537 #1680537 Cannot specify additional nameservers for reverse zones 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1680990 #1680990 A failed deployment cannot be fixed using Rescue mode 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1682317 #1682317 [2.2,API, performance] Compact API request to get a limited set of information, such as hostname and system_id 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1685108 #1685108 maas gui settings for proxy credentials should be reworked 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1686412 #1686412 Add ability to change PXE boot behavior of a device 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1690459 #1690459 MAAS should allow transitioning between all node types 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1702332 #1702332 Add ability to set proxy for environment 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1713118 #1713118 [2.x] Provide curtin version as part of MAAS 'version' api 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1721106 #1721106 [2.3, UI, HWTv2] Add missing filters for "Failed components" and "Failed testing" 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1722532 #1722532 [2.3] No way to know what version of MAAS/curtin deployed amachine 6 Wishlist Andres Rodriguez  3 Invalid
1723978 #1723978 [2.3b2, UI] I cannot filter the list by Pods 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1724005 #1724005 [2.3b1, UI] The requested sequence of items on top navigation has changed 6 Wishlist   3 Invalid
1628547 #1628547 [2.1 ipv6] omshell seems to hate ipv6 sometimes 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1695463 #1695463 [2.2.0+bzr6057-snap] Stacktrace appears when pointing to a non-existent region controller 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1700161 #1700161 Rescue Mode fails and can't exit 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1710177 #1710177 curtin in-target commands do not work for ubuntu core 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1717031 #1717031 bios/efi maas deployment failure with drives over 2TB 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1717189 #1717189 Commision runs lsblk wit hunknown option 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1719974 #1719974 The "Save and Add Another" button in the add machine form does not appear to work 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1719975 #1719975 Add machine form hangs until commissioning succeeds or fails 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1721759 #1721759 [2.3, pod] no error message when virsh pod not accessible 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1722962 #1722962 Connection broken: IncompleteRead on rackd 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1724989 #1724989 Deployment fails if server's EFI variable storage is full 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1727400 #1727400 [2.3b3, UX] VLAN details: Relay DHCP wording is inconsistent 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1731976 #1731976 [2.3] [critical] Failed to update and/or record network interface configuration 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1656091 #1656091 [2.x] Power Settings for virsh are not per node, they are global 2 Critical   4 Won't Fix
1714535 #1714535 Unavailable bootloader needs better error messages 2 Critical   4 Won't Fix
1724252 #1724252 maas is unable to discover a bonded interface on a region controller if interfaces comprising it are 'disconnected' in the database and do not belong to a fabric 2 Critical   4 Won't Fix
1592206 #1592206 [2.0b7-pre] Tooltips pop up too aggressively and impair UX 3 High Graham Bancroft  4 Won't Fix
1695339 #1695339 [2.2] MAAS racks connect to too many region endpoints 3 High   4 Won't Fix
1715338 #1715338 Dumpdata failing for table metadataserver.nodeuserdata 3 High   4 Won't Fix
1683776 #1683776 [2.2.0rc2, Accessibility] In device details-Interfaces-Add interface when I have focused (with my keyboard) on the IP assignment dropdown and I click Enter, the contextual menu of the previous row opens 4 Medium Karl Williams  4 Won't Fix
1689954 #1689954 [SNAP] MAAS running in snap fails to start ntpd when host OS has ntp running 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1724158 #1724158 [2.3, UI] In hardware test list move the chevron to the end of the row to follow the pattern 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
1719669 #1719669 pod VM fails commissioning; requests pxelinux.0 but doesn't progress past that 3 High Jason Hobbs  5 Expired
1787646 #1787646 Switch localboot to chain to the shim 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1735207 #1735207 [2.x] MAAS not adding mtu size change to dhcpd.conf 3 High Mike Pontillo  7 Triaged
1742270 #1742270 [2.3, UI] Interface configuration for controllers is broken 3 High   7 Triaged
1747459 #1747459 [2.3, service-tracking] MAAS service tracking never notices tracked daemons crash (ntp is an example) or viceversa 3 High   7 Triaged
1747764 #1747764 [2.3, service-tracking] Network partition breaks HA rack controller which doesn't stop services 3 High   7 Triaged
1753496 #1753496 [2.4a1, b1] DHCP does not offer all NTP servers 3 High Mike Pontillo  7 Triaged
1758476 #1758476 MAAS increments block device name on every commission 3 High   7 Triaged
1759091 #1759091 [2.4, websockets] Only request and send what is needed on node list websocket 3 High   7 Triaged
1766370 #1766370 list-boot-images reports synced after only syncing bootloader/uefi for arm64 3 High   7 Triaged
1660418 #1660418 Uploading a new custom image does not remove the old image 4 Medium Lee Trager  7 Triaged
1743400 #1743400 [2.3, UI] MAAS 'Containers' tab drops 'mac' address instead of hostname 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1793282 #1793282 [2.4.2, UI] MAAS does not update the fabric for a VLAN when it is moved to a different fabric 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1730525 #1730525 [2.3+] Unable to disk erase if machine is deployed with a non-lts kernel 3 High   8 In Progress
1755587 #1755587 [2.3, 2.4, UI, b1] Can not change fabric value on subnet page 3 High   8 In Progress
1799161 #1799161 [2.3.x] Preseed fails to render when bcache backed partition is reformatted. 2 Critical Newell Jensen  9 Fix Committed
1776604 #1776604 default DNS IP for node from unexpected interface (not always first interface or same network) 3 High Mike Pontillo  9 Fix Committed
1870171 #1870171 piston3 token delete cascades 4 Medium Lee Trager  9 Fix Committed
1608557 #1608557 [UI, UX] MAAS doesn't tell the user if a dynamic range was already created when trying to enable DHCP. 3 High Steve Rydz  10 Fix Released
1680859 #1680859 [2.x, UX] Sorting broken on machine listing page. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1695868 #1695868 [2.2, UI]Failure to create a bond didn't surface an error 3 High Steve Rydz  10 Fix Released
1712505 #1712505 Bad storage config for two disk system 3 High   10 Fix Released
1729577 #1729577 [2.3, UI] The sync images toggle can be turned on/off without any warnings 3 High Lilyana Videnova  10 Fix Released
1730694 #1730694 [2.3rc2, UI] The clear filter is not aligned properly with the filter name and is not clickable 3 High Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1732389 #1732389 [2.3rc3, UI] The padding of the icon in the commissioning list is not right 3 High Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1651450 #1651450 [2.1, UI] All the "information" icons are replaced by "attention" icons 4 Medium Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1654981 #1654981 [2.1, UI] creating a bridge on a machine doesn't inherit machine nic config or allow configuring during creation 4 Medium Anthony Dillon  10 Fix Released
1680790 #1680790 [Device discovery - Enable/Disable toggle] The tooltip works as a button to interact with the toggle 4 Medium Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1681401 #1681401 [UI, 2.2.0rc2] Pods overview - Pods table broken at 1024px resolution, 'composed machines' row heading truncates below table in centre 4 Medium Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1681790 #1681790 [2.2, UI] Action errors are inconsistent 4 Medium Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1681800 #1681800 [2.2, UI] The (row) contextual menu didn't close when I clicked on Take action 4 Medium Karl Williams  10 Fix Released
1724002 #1724002 [2.3b1, UI] Swap the date and the event name in the Events list 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1681738 #1681738 [2.2.0rc2, UI, Test hardware] Change the wording of the error message for hardware testing a deployed machine 5 Low Steve Rydz  10 Fix Released
1681775 #1681775 [UI, 2.2.0rc2] Device discovery table - Devices names in row should be aligned to the left 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1724155 #1724155 [2.3b1, UI] In the hardware test list, when a test doesn't have metrics remove the chevron 5 Low Steve Rydz  10 Fix Released
1727377 #1727377 [2.3b3, UI] Images, Selected images table: The Actions header is not aligned 5 Low Graham Bancroft  10 Fix Released
1730697 #1730697 [2.3rc2, UX improvement] Edit tags from Machine Summary take the user to uneditable setting page 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1732215 #1732215 [2.3rc2, UI] When I am editing the configuration of a device the edit button remains on the screen 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1685445 #1685445 [UI] Need to flush the discovered devices list 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
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