MAAS Project 14.04

Milestone information

MAAS Project


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Adam Collard, 4 Andres Rodriguez, 6 Blake Rouse, 1 Chris Glass, 14 Gavin Panella, 6 Graham Binns, 1 James Troup, 10 Jason Hobbs, 22 Jeroen T. Vermeulen, 33 Julian Edwards, 1 Kevin Kirkpatrick, 2 MAAS Maintainers, 29 Raphaël Badin, 2 Tycho Andersen
1 Deferred, 4 Implemented
138 Fix Released

5 blueprints and 138 bugs targeted

Blueprint Project Priority Assignee Delivery
Advanced networking (VLAN, bonded NIC etc) Advanced networking (VLAN, bonded NIC etc) MAAS MAAS 5 Essential   11 Implemented
Availability Zones Availability Zones MAAS MAAS 5 Essential Julian Edwards  11 Implemented
maas-test package maas-test package MAAS MAAS 5 Essential   11 Implemented
Data-driven hardware enablement Data-driven hardware enablement MAAS MAAS 5 Essential   11 Implemented
Usability points from the training debrief Usability points from the training debrief MAAS MAAS 5 Essential   2 Deferred
Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1227035 #1227035 If a template substitution fails, the appserver crashes MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1240215 #1240215 changing the default arches in import_pxe_files prevents maas-import-ephemerals from running MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Andres Rodriguez  10 Fix Released
1254047 #1254047 MAAS fails to load on trusty MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1255479 #1255479 MaaS Internal Server Error 500 while parsing tags with namespaces in definition upon commissioning MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1257269 #1257269 bin/test.pserv fails on Django 1.6 MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1263644 #1263644 NodeViewsTest.test_node_list_sorts_by_zone does not pass on trunk MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1269648 #1269648 OAuth unauthorized errors mask the actual error text MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1270052 #1270052 Adding an SSH key fails due to a UnicodeDecodeError MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1274024 #1274024 kernel parameters are not set up in the installed OS's grub cfg MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1274190 #1274190 periodic_probe_dhcp task raises IOError('No such device') MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1274217 #1274217 MAAS celery DHCP traceback MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1274871 #1274871 Enlisting of AMT managed NUCs fails with power type MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1274912 #1274912 Internal server error when trying to stop a node with no power type MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1274926 #1274926 A node's nodegroup is autodetected using the request's IP even when the request is a manual API/CLI call MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1278895 #1278895 When any of the commissioning scripts fails, the error reported contains the list of the scripts that *didn't* fail MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1279107 #1279107 ignores command failures MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1281474 #1281474 Dev service fails to start: AttributeError: class Factory has no attribute 'forProtocol' MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1282828 #1282828 Almost impossible to provide a valid nodegroup ID when enlisting new node on API MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1283114 #1283114 MAAS' DHCP server is not stopped when the number of managed interfaces is zero MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1285233 #1285233 MacAddress.__unicode__: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get_raw' MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1285244 #1285244 deleting a node sometimes fails with omshell error MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1285248 #1285248 ImproperlyConfigured django error MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1285607 #1285607 maas_ipmi_autodetect mistakes empty slot for taken slot MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1287274 #1287274 On OCPv3 Roadrunner, maas_ipmi_autodetect fails because LAN Channel settings can't be changed MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1287512 #1287512 OCPv3 roadrunner detects IPMI as 1.5, which isn't supported. MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1287602 #1287602 Edit node form defaults to default zone MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1288001 #1288001 maasserver.views.tests.test_rpc.RPCViewTest.test_rpc_info fails except in isolation MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1288827 #1288827 maas-cli power_type documentation refers to dotted decimal value MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1288921 #1288921 probe_and_enlist_hardware requires mode parameter, should be model MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1289151 #1289151 The bulk action to attach a bunch of nodes to a zone fails (500 error) MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1289456 #1289456 maas IPMI user creation fails on some DRAC systems MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1289485 #1289485 MAAS failing to enlist nodes in the Lenovo lab MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1290622 #1290622 report_boot_images does not remove images that were deleted from the cluster MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1290822 #1290822 Include "label" in boot images directory hierarchy MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1293676 #1293676 internal server error when marking nodes as using fast-path installer 1.5 1.5 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1293791 #1293791 ipmi template tries to apply ipmi to *hosts* address rather than ipmi address MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1294516 #1294516 maas-import-ephemerals crashes MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1295644 #1295644 MAAS cannot be installed on non-amd64 system MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1298652 #1298652 bootresources.yaml contains "selections: null" MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1298714 #1298714 Boot resources config migration uses the wrong tftproot MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1299143 #1299143 maas package installation fails to place /etc/maas/templates/uefi MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Andres Rodriguez  10 Fix Released
1300285 #1300285 generated dhcpd.conf not using else for pxelinux.0 MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1300550 #1300550 Man page for maas-import-pxe-files still documents the old script (and config files) MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1300587 #1300587 Cloud-archive selection widget is obsolete MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1301809 #1301809 Report boot images no directory traceback 1.5 1.5 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1302772 #1302772 update of maas-cluster-controller on trusty dumps traceback and crashes 1.5 1.5 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1302818 #1302818 SM15K Invalid power control 1.5 1.5 2 Critical Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1305118 #1305118 Default simplestreams path still uses old ‘v1’ data source MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1306335 #1306335 maas-dhcp needs to quote interface name in /etc/maas/dhcpd.conf 1.5 1.5 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1052339 #1052339 MAAS only supports one "managed" (DNS/DHCP) interface per cluster controller. MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1052397 #1052397 maas-import-pxe-files doesn't try -updates first MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1058126 #1058126 maas dbshell stacktraces in package MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1064212 #1064212 If a machine is booted manually when in status "Declared" or "Ready", TFTP server tracebacks MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1073460 #1073460 Node-specific kernel and ramdisk is not possible MAAS MAAS 3 High MAAS Maintainers  10 Fix Released
1166994 #1166994 [SRU] need to use generic kernel for highbank on ARM MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1177932 #1177932 Unable to select which pxe files to download by both series and architecture. MAAS MAAS 3 High   10 Fix Released
1181334 #1181334 i386 required to install amd64 MAAS MAAS 3 High Tycho Andersen  10 Fix Released
1184589 #1184589 When external commands, issued by MAAS, fail, the log output does not give any information about the failure. MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1187851 #1187851 Newline added to end of files obtained with maas-cli MAAS MAAS 3 High Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1189742 #1189742 CLI commands documentation does not explain how to pass parameters MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1191735 #1191735 TFTP server not listening on all interfaces MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1210393 #1210393 MAAS ipmi fails on OCPv3 Roadrunner MAAS MAAS 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1222804 #1222804 NodeCommissionResultManager.store_data() does not update script_result when there's a pre-existing result MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1222807 #1222807 is CharField but needs to hold binary data MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1227749 #1227749 UEFI support for MAAS MAAS MAAS 3 High Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1228205 #1228205 piston hijacks any TypeError raised by MAAS MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1234880 #1234880 HP ilo4 consoles default to autodetect protocol, which doesn't work MAAS MAAS 3 High Andres Rodriguez  10 Fix Released
1235174 #1235174 set_hardware_details() shims do not reprocess tags in response to a change in LLDP commission results MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1236870 #1236870 search box doesn't work in docs MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1237197 #1237197 No scheduled job for images download MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1237398 #1237398 "You'll need a separate MAAS key for each Juju environment" is wrong. MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1238284 #1238284 mutiple ip address displayed for a node MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1240418 #1240418 tags juju parameter is wrong in the documentation when using juju-core MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1241054 #1241054 Default logging configuration is misleading. MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1243917 #1243917 'maas createsuperuser' errors out if no email address is entered. MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1246531 #1246531 dhcpd.conf not updated when user hits "Save cluster controller" MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1246625 #1246625 The power parameters used by the virsh power template are inconsistent. MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1247708 #1247708 Cluster interface shows up with no interface name MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1247945 #1247945 maas-cluster-controller package still deploys a /etc/maas/import_ephemerals MAAS MAAS 3 High   10 Fix Released
1248893 #1248893 maas-cli listing nodes filtered by hostname doesn't work MAAS MAAS 3 High Chris Glass  10 Fix Released
1249435 #1249435 kernel options not showing up in WebUI and not being passed at install time to one node MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1250410 #1250410 Search box renders incorrectly in Firefox MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1251214 #1251214 MAASClient issues POST requests instead of PUT requests. MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1254053 #1254053 Installing MAAS on trusty gives a big warning about deprecated postgresql 9.1 MAAS MAAS 3 High Andres Rodriguez  10 Fix Released
1254111 #1254111 MAAS tft server lacks uEFI netboot files. MAAS MAAS 3 High Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1255497 #1255497 juju quick start should not prefer --upload-tools MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1268795 #1268795 unable to automatically commission Cisco UCS server due to BMC user permissions MAAS MAAS 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1270131 #1270131 1 CPU when there are multiple cores on Intel NUC MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1271056 #1271056 API call for listing nodes filtered by zone MAAS MAAS 3 High Adam Collard  10 Fix Released
1273650 #1273650 Fastpath installer does not pick up package mirror settings from MAAS MAAS MAAS 3 High Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1274017 #1274017 MAAS new user creation requires E-Mail address, throws wrong error when not provided MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1274465 #1274465 Network identity shows broadcast address instead of the network's address MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1274499 #1274499 dhcp lease rollover causes loss of access to managment IP MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1275643 #1275643 When both IPMI 1.5 and 2.0 are available, MAAS should use 2.0 MAAS MAAS 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1275649 #1275649 MAAS packaging doesn't include maas-generated named.conf.options.inside.maas file MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1276450 #1276450 MAAS, using amt, cannot guarantee that the correct machine is being contacted MAAS MAAS 3 High   10 Fix Released
1276919 #1276919 MAAS uses the .master domain by default MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1276985 #1276985 The "Edit cluster interface" page shows an undocumented "Foreign dhcp ip" field. MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1279304 #1279304 Node commissioning results are not displayed in the UI MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1279728 #1279728 Storage capacity isn't always detected MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1280680 #1280680 AttributeError: 'ClusterClient' object has no attribute 'loseConnection' MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1281173 #1281173 Docs - Preseed file location is incorrect MAAS MAAS 3 High Kevin Kirkpatrick  10 Fix Released
1283918 #1283918 Intermittent test failure: test_wait_script_waits_for_lldpd MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1284789 #1284789 documentation about who can run maas command is inconsistent/wrong MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1285272 #1285272 maas-cli doesn't show zone as one of the parameters that could be updated in a node MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1287439 #1287439 trivial power_parameters_skip_{check,validation} doc confusion MAAS MAAS 3 High James Troup  10 Fix Released
1287964 #1287964 MAAS incorrectly detects / sets-up BMC information on Dell PowerEdge servers MAAS MAAS 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1288222 #1288222 test_macaddresses_are_sorted is flaky MAAS MAAS 3 High Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1292491 #1292491 pserv traceback when region controller not yet ready MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1293661 #1293661 cannot use fast path installer to deploy other than trusty MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1293942 #1293942 Still intermittent test failures in test_wait_script_waits_for_lldpd MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1294302 #1294302 fast installer fails to PXE boot on armhf/highbank MAAS MAAS 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1295035 #1295035 The UI doesn't display the list of available boot images MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1295479 #1295479 Migration to new import script MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1297814 #1297814 MAAS does not advertise its capabilities MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1298790 #1298790 Logout page vulnerable to CSRF 1.5 1.5 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1302819 #1302819 MAAS cannot enlist machines from SM15k 1.5 1.5 3 High Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1306325 #1306325 Retrieval of third party driver udebs doesn't use MAAS's HTTP proxy setting MAAS MAAS 3 High   10 Fix Released
1307906 #1307906 New 3rd party drivers UI warning is untested 1.5 1.5 3 High Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1234716 #1234716 The region uses an internal enum instead of cluster boot image info MAAS MAAS 4 Medium MAAS Maintainers  10 Fix Released
1237346 #1237346 The network discovery section on the node view page is too prominent MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1238148 #1238148 maas-import-ephemerals gives no status output MAAS MAAS 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1238158 #1238158 maas-import-ephemerals copies where move would be superior MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1248624 #1248624 Documentation about virsh power control does not contain Matt Rae's explanation MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1252523 #1252523 maas-dhcp is installed by default, but docs claim otherwise MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1252752 #1252752 maas-import-pxe-files takes too long to complete MAAS MAAS 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1262160 #1262160 Node listing sorts by zone ID, not by zone name MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1271189 #1271189 support switching image streams in import ephemerals MAAS MAAS 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1287310 #1287310 hard to determine valid values for power parameters MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
991743 #991743 src/maastesting/ duplicates code from testtools. MAAS MAAS 5 Low Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1071786 #1071786 Test suite breaks: “bin/test.maas src/maasserver/tests” has database problems MAAS MAAS 5 Low Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1225981 #1225981 Strange Rabbit exception output in test suite MAAS MAAS 5 Low Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1262063 #1262063 Can't run in isolation MAAS MAAS 5 Low Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1272014 #1272014 MAAS prompts user to run `maas createadmin`; instead of `maas createsuperuser` MAAS MAAS 5 Low Tycho Andersen  10 Fix Released
1274561 #1274561 DebuggingLoggerMiddleware doesn't log the responses. MAAS MAAS 5 Low Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1299374 #1299374 Broadcast address is required on cluster form MAAS MAAS 5 Low Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1108319 #1108319 maascli could have a way to tell which cluster controllers don't have the pxe files MAAS MAAS 6 Wishlist Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1286369 #1286369 documentation for managing virtual machines in MAAS is confusing MAAS MAAS 1 Undecided Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released

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