MAAS Project 13.10

Milestone information

MAAS Project


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Andres Rodriguez, 5 Gavin Panella, 1 Graham Binns, 10 Jeroen T. Vermeulen, 12 Julian Edwards, 26 Raphaël Badin
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
58 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 58 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1039513 #1039513 maas-import-pxe-files doesn't cryptographically verify what it downloads MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1100777 #1100777 make doc returns a non-zero value MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1158425 #1158425 maas-import-pxe-files sources path-relative config MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1190528 #1190528 pserv tests fail on Saucy: SECRET_KEY ImproperlyConfigured MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1190530 #1190530 Test maasserver.tests.test_api.TestNodeAPI.test_PUT_rejects_invalid_data fails with Django 1.5 MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1190534 #1190534 Test failures on Saucy: MismatchError on HTML MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1190536 #1190536 Test test_EditUserForm_fails_validation_if_email_taken fails with Django 1.5 MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1190956 #1190956 Views tests fail on Saucy: 'SimpleListView' has no attribute 'kwargs' MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1204507 #1204507 MAAS rejects empty files MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1208497 #1208497 netboot flag defaults to 'true' on upgrade, even for allocated nodes MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1212434 #1212434 maas-import-pxe-files breaks on 404 MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1221059 #1221059 MAAS wsgi processes are stuck waiting for a lock which is never released MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1223412 #1223412 maas-import-pxe-files crashes with "IGNORE_GPG: unbound variable" MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1225982 #1225982 Tests break while inserting into piston_consumer table MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1227543 #1227543 DebuggingLoggerMiddleware crashes with "AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'content'" MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1227558 #1227558 DebuggingLoggerMiddleware crashes with "UnicodeDecodeError" MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1227644 #1227644 Releasing a node using the API errors with "TypeError: 00:e0:81:dd:d1:0b is not JSON serializable" MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1228085 #1228085 The commissioning script 00-maas-03-install-lldpd outputs to stderr. MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1228200 #1228200 A TypeError is raised when a node posts its lldp information back. MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1232174 #1232174 maas-import-pxe-files fails because Saucy's images information is not available. MAAS MAAS 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1234853 #1234853 MAAS returns HTTP/500 when adding a second managed interface to cluster controller MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1236361 #1236361 need new simple streams based maas-import-ephemerals MAAS MAAS 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1236544 #1236544 canot access static images over http with apache 2.2 (precise) MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Andres Rodriguez  10 Fix Released
1237364 #1237364 Commissioning with a Saucy image sets node status to "Failed tests" MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Andres Rodriguez  10 Fix Released
1237463 #1237463 ValueError using lxml when evaluating tags in worker MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1237615 #1237615 python-bson-ext does not encode binary in Apache with mod_wsgi MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1238376 #1238376 maas-import-ephemerals no longer inherits config from maas-import-pxe-files MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1238681 #1238681 Legacy import config treats arches/releases as lists of characters MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1239488 #1239488 [SRU] Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments MAAS MAAS 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
971349 #971349 With 100% of nodes in 'declared' state, pie chart is white on white MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
974035 #974035 Node listing does not support bulk operations MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
997092 #997092 Can't delete allocated node even if owned by self MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1045725 #1045725 SAY clauses in PXE configs are being evaluated as they're encountered, not when the label is branched to MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1054518 #1054518 distro_series can be None or "" MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1064777 #1064777 If a node's IP address is known, it's not shown anywhere MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1084807 #1084807 Users are editing the machine-generated dhcpd.conf MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1155607 #1155607 Conflict between "DNS zone name" in Cluster controller and "Default domain for new nodes" in settings MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1172336 #1172336 MAAS server reference to AvahiBoot wiki page that does not exist MAAS MAAS 3 High Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1185160 #1185160 no way to see what user has a node allocated MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1190591 #1190591 Some tests in src/maasserver/tests/ fails with TypeError (with Django 1.5) MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1190958 #1190958 Tests failures on Saucy: some tests in fail with a MismatchError. MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1190962 #1190962 Tests failures on Saucy: some tests in fail with a CommandError. MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1202314 #1202314 discrepancy between docs and behavior MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1206222 #1206222 Documentation Feedback and Site suggestions MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1209039 #1209039 Document that MAAS requires 'portfast' on switch ports connected to nodes MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1215446 #1215446 register_mac_type is called from the module level MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1215448 #1215448 Node.ip_addresses cache is not tested MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1215750 #1215750 No way of tracing/debugging http traffic content in the appserver. MAAS MAAS 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1217680 #1217680 Running from branch does not accept cluster controller MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1223157 #1223157 start_commissioning needlessly sets owner on commissioning nodes MAAS MAAS 3 High Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1227081 #1227081 Error in apache's log "No handlers could be found for logger "maasserver"" MAAS MAAS 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1233069 #1233069 maas-import-pxe-files fails when md5 checksums can't be downloaded MAAS MAAS 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1117415 #1117415 maas dhcp responses do not have domain-name or domain-search MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1136449 #1136449 maas-cli get-config and set-config documentation MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1175405 #1175405 Pie chart says "deployed" which is inconsistent with the node list's "allocated" MAAS MAAS 4 Medium Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1233833 #1233833 Usability: deleting nodes is too easy MAAS MAAS 5 Low Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1236198 #1236198 Documentation missing on how to add custom kernel parameters. MAAS MAAS 5 Low Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1185897 #1185897 expose ability to re-commission node in api and cli MAAS MAAS 6 Wishlist Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released

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