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2011.10 release from the 2011.11 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release rebase GLEW for ES on to 1.7.0 version.
Other things remain the same.


The below mentioned changes from upstream branch were used to rebase the code:

commit 4a5ff954b2b906377f64bf6f6172f8b76668738e
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 7 22:55:24 2011 -0500

    GL_NV_path_rendering now on, remove it from auto/core

commit 4a5f85e49034c7c3364dc2658040dc18cb8eed71
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 26 21:11:20 2011 -0500

    Documentation updates for GLEW 1.7.0 release

commit fcb39d65a5d2133d38f8ef6a6f27bfd3d4c8e399
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 25 09:11:11 2011 -0500

    Documentation fixup for NV Path Rendering

commit cc286a1154ad810b5e2e3e1fc018044a2cff7cb7
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 25 08:56:13 2011 -0500

    Add GL_NV_path_rendering to auto/core until it appears on

commit 8d72097e8afbeaef4517c6f479b99239af87fe91
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Aug 20 18:17:18 2011 -0500

    Documentation updates for GLEW 1.7.0

commit 898f22082db36617ac0e1d4776750598a0dc1ea0
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 17:17:30 2011 -0400

    Add a build.html documentation page for describing some of the make targets and variables.

commit 9c59bf567e4c12b36a5eb3970ab278f06626635f
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 16:08:53 2011 -0400

    Resolve ID: 2797077 How do I compile for mac os x x64?

commit 69ae1f09e6e4d21981601f2c3be9ed89b9cc5adb
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 15:58:16 2011 -0400

    Resolve ID: 3295600 improper setting of -install_name on darwin

commit a4964338e41fe57b8acadb4020b2801944b118af
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 15:35:16 2011 -0400

    Resolve ID: 3362344 GLX_MESA_swap_control support request

commit bc2f7a6335b2b326ade467cc77d3e980b9cf091e
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 15:12:26 2011 -0400

    Resolve ID: 2975557 ERROR_INVALID_VERSION_ARB missing

commit 2d17ae18b319d9edcd822a30d4379c407361e680
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 13:23:50 2011 -0400

    Resolve ID: 3376260 Solaris also needs inttypes.h

commit 852e9ccd2d6545c6b341a9d3dea53442ce91ecf5
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 10:25:25 2011 -0400

    Bump GLEW version to 1.7.0 - due to GL_KTX_buffer_region renaming

commit 802bac4e68efd896bb3563408d9e1f0be8704a43
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 2 10:21:40 2011 -0400

    Add GL_VERSION_4_2

commit 35c27b4dac142c2f5dee9cf1d47dfa2e0e9a1145
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 1 16:36:13 2011 -0400

    Remove EXT suffix from GL_KTX_buffer_region entry points, based on info here:

commit 69df55a948c8ff23f459b3592f4e12f743bf53d6
Author: Nigel Stewart <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 12 17:38:41 2011 -0500

    Add glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB to GL_ARB_robustness

File Description Downloads
download icon glew-1.7.0-2011.10-es.tar.bz2 (md5) GLEW-1.7.0 supporting OpenGL ES 847
last downloaded 37 weeks ago
Total downloads: 847

2011.09 release from the 2011.11 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release contains GLEW lib v1.6.0 which supports OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
The glew.h header now contains enums and entry points for both OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
glewinfo prints information about supported OpenGL ES extensions.
GLEW lib for desktop OpenGL can be built excluding ES related entrypoints and enum.

- A file "Makefile.arm-linux" is present to compile glew for ARM linux

  Steps for building glew for ARM-Linux ES 2.0:

  1. export following environment variables:

   COMPILER_PATH : Path of the compiler

   INC_PATH : Include files path

   LIB_PATH : Opengl/egl/x11 library path

   ADDITIONAL_LIB_DEPENDENCY_PATH: Path for any additional dependencies of the libs.

   2. Build command :
 - To biuld glew for OpenGL ES 2.0 along with EGL(need to include eglew.h by application):


commit 4e02b1a463b7fd42ea23bf89395db9518b41c536
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 21 05:06:38 2011 -0400

    Doc on OpenGL ES and EGL extensions supported are added.
    make clobber and destroy now removes ES related folders also

commit dc411ed3ed75285a31758e03a5dc670d82e67563
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 19 01:31:01 2011 -0400

    In the general purpose glew lib the ES has been made optional.
    By default glew lib will contain both desktop OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
    If 'GLEW_NO_ES' is defined then the glew lib does not contains OpenGL ES functions and variables.

commit 4c25140f699b911075ed6bd5c85f1c4e0e64afd2
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 13 00:52:19 2011 -0400

    visualinfo will display visual information when using OpenGL ES and EGL lib.
    This support is there for Linux only.

commit 9bc2a3fca689d2b37ac867f5e2bd52822b81364a
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 21 01:23:27 2011 -0400

    Fixed glewIsSupported function in glew.c.
    The files need to be sorted by the filename(excluding the folder name) so that extensions can be batched together correctly.

commit eca92e45667894c550ac4f8495ad81c4cd99947b
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 21 01:54:23 2011 -0400

    glewinfo provide information on OpenGL ES and EGL extensions.
    This support is there for Linux only.

commit e12a2dc83248f8e296bb3f702a49c5d0d4bd30bd
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 12 02:39:25 2011 -0400

    EGL is made optional in glew lib.
    If flag 'GLEW_INC_EGL' is enabled then EGL is part of GLEW lib.
    Also two more flags have been added :
    GLEW_USE_LIB_ES20 : If glew is linked with OpenGL ES 2.0 lib
    GLEW_USE_LIB_ES11 : If glew is linked with OpenGL ES 1.1 lib.
    These two flags help in determining which OpenGL ES lib to be loaded.
    Since these flags are included for ES, these along with 'GLEW_INC_EGL' determines whether EGL is included or not in GLEW.

commit 0d33491023334a1bef9f77b2c8c66e5497090189
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 12 00:57:42 2011 -0400

    The OpenGL(ES) lib version is checked and the appropriate OpenGL(ES) version variables are initialized.

commit 77f49f765f260dd8f69fd7cf3ea2fde400b80c35
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 20 09:23:22 2011 -0400

    Fixed GL_OES_EGL_image_external and EGL_KHR_fence_sync extensions.
    These two extensions have functions which are common with GL_OES_EGL_image and EGL_KHR_reusable_sync respectively.
    So these functions are added in thier initialization function and then the initialization functions call are added.

commit b16a770388d917ff80a2cdb0b8c1c202c39a0b78
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 7 05:52:56 2011 -0400

    OpenGL ES function pointers and variables are defined in glew.c for generic case.

commit ec75790e8e0926c193aa0a2b154ebd0833bf44ba
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 7 02:26:07 2011 -0400

    OpenGL ES core and extensions header are added to glew.h
    Also the ES functions and variables are present in struct 'GLEWContextStruct'.

    It should be noted that ES core headers contain functions that are not present in OpenGL to avoid redefinition.
    All the functions which are added to a given OpenGL ES core version can be found in glesew.h

commit c03bae4f4656aa945e8a6d42228395da5b280d8d
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 7 00:25:38 2011 -0400

    Fixed EGL_NV_system_time extension.EGLuint64NV definition added.
    Remove duplicates from GL_NV_read_buffer and GL_NV_read_buffer_front extensions.

commit 7c5f1e5f437cc4c7833929d160c3cb4b1722750e
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Sep 6 09:35:45 2011 -0400

    Modified ES ONLY case to be similar to generic case.
    i.e. functions in OpenGL ES 1.0 which are not common with OpenGL 1.1 are converted to function pointers.
    Also the OpenGL ES 1.1 has been broken into two core versions common and commonlite.

File Description Downloads
download icon glew-1.6.0-es-2011.09.tar.gz (md5) glew lib support OpenGL ES along with OpenGL 150
last downloaded 56 weeks ago
Total downloads: 150

2011.08 release from the 2011.11 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release contains GLEW lib which supports OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
The glew.h header now contains enums and entry points for both OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
The use of egl from glew lib is made optional, now user can use either egl.h or eglew.h

- A file "Makefile.arm-linux" is present to compile glew for ARM linux

  Steps for building glew for ARM-Linux ES 2.0:

  1. export following environment variables:

   COMPILER_PATH : Path of the compiler

   INC_PATH : Include files path

   LIB_PATH : Opengl/egl/x11 library path

   ADDITIONAL_LIB_DEPENDENCY_PATH: Path for any additional dependencies of the libs.

   2. Build command :
 - To biuld glew for OpenGL ES 2.0 along with EGL(need to include eglew.h):

   make BUILD_GLEW_ES20=yes BUILD_GLEW_EGL=yes

 - To build glew for OpenGL ES 2.0 ...


commit 9ff09fd397f11e09fc8fdd3fe9519d32f4e3f670
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 18 03:28:38 2011 -0400

    Creation of context and EGL related extensions query are done for glewinfo
    The OpenGL ES extension query are missing

commit 54e026971a2355811ac4d9b0b51bbe11b41b9d38
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 18 02:38:07 2011 -0400

    Modifications for glewinfo.c file.
    The egl(eglew.h or egl.h) can be used with ES in glewinfo.
    Many of the functions are dummy functions;need to be initilized.

commit 1c1c44486e290ecf4c062c2f39c42df37be78f0d
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 18 01:45:26 2011 -0400

    visualinfo.c will display all the visuals information using egl function call for ES.

commit ddeb214a98b462e9b8eaeb7c200769998b4194b7
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 18 01:04:03 2011 -0400

    Use of eglew.h is made optional in glew lib. User can also use their own specific egl.h file
    When GLEW_USE_EGL is defined in case of OpenGL ES then eglew.h is used.
    Also GLEW_USE_LIB_ES is defined for the case when ES is being used to link the lib
    If GLEW_USE_LIB_ES11 or GLEW_USE_LIB_ES20 flag is passed from the Makefile then only it will defined.

commit 126c8af09968b3d796edd41b374cdcabf8510509
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 17 13:17:56 2011 -0400

    Instead of moving the common extension files, the common folder is used to create the glew.c file

commit db6524be67d2b7ac306874b4bb54528f6d1626d4
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 17 12:55:54 2011 -0400

    Initialization functions call are called properly.
    ES core version initialization functions call are different in general and ES ONLY case as the functions are different.

commit 0f4a45de413aec10f0b9ad64985a37e69a9b3120
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 17 12:17:10 2011 -0400

    ES core spec variables and function pointers are initialized for general case.
    In the general case supporting both OpenGL and ES,the ES core spec has variables from OpenGL specs also.
    So a file is added which already contains the initialization functions instead of using

commit 126db1eea154476cd5fd9503817823e4d4fe396b
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 17 11:07:37 2011 -0400

    Fixed EGL_NV_system_time extension.
    EGLuint64NV definition was not present.

commit 1fff7fae81acfad7e8d7aa54116fc7d48760c5a1
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 17 10:57:17 2011 -0400

    Moved Khronos specific types and definitions(mostly from khrplatform.h) from glesew.h to glew.h.
    It is done so that the types and definitions can be shared by both the files.

commit 1ad4e7b6a23fbb0e4139b42f5c1df2f104ec9bbe
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 12 06:51:22 2011 -0400

    Added OpenGL ES related variables and functions pointer to GLEW context structure in glew.h

commit becfce01ba4d9d1bddef9826a2f7855184abc6c9
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 12 01:38:28 2011 -0400

    OpenGL ES related function pointers and variables are defined in glew.c.

commit c9f60b875d8c89350d37677631db52780bf18ca3
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 12 01:04:45 2011 -0400

    Modification start to create glew lib supporting both desktop OpenGL and ES.

    glew.h contains the core and extensions for ES.
    Inside the folder 'core' the ES related core spec are added in folder 'es'.
    This is needed as we need to remove those enum and functions which are already defined by OpenGL.

    Also has been modified to handle the extensions GL_NV_read_buffer_front and GL_NV_read_buffer.

File Description Downloads
download icon glew-es-2011.08.tar.gz (md5) glew lib with ES. 125
last downloaded 55 weeks ago
Total downloads: 125

2011.07 release from the 2011.11 series released

Release information
Release notes:

- This release adds support for OpenGL ES and EGL in GLEW lib.

- At present either purely desktop GL or purely OpenGL ES is supported.

- Name of the output library( is same in both Desktop and ES version.

- glewinfo and visualinfo utilities have been updated to support ES.

- A file "Makefile.arm-linux" is added to compile the glew for ARM linux

  Steps for building glew for ARM-Linux ES 2.0:

  1. export following environment variables:

   COMPILER_PATH : Path of the compiler

   INC_PATH : Include files path

   LIB_PATH : Opengl/egl/x11 library path

   ADDITIONAL_LIB_DEPENDENCY_PATH: Path for any additional dependencies of the libs.

   2. invoke command :

  make MAKE_FOR_ES=yes


- Since EGL may not be always used with OpenGL ES or platform specific m...


commit ca99d35bd4310621f8944a9e8f79b68143eba358
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 08:31:11 2011 -0400

    EGL extensions and core spec supported can be queried using eglewIsSupported or eglewContextIsSupported
    glewInfo and visualinfo are modified to add support for ES

commit 1ac7e843e534383ce0a6f1bb9d8af21a8fc70a37
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 08:14:00 2011 -0400

    EGL core specs and extensions are now initialized

commit bf8addd34071617be2abe84d497de71f9538e94a
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 08:02:38 2011 -0400

    EGL function pointers and variables are defined in glew.c

commit 99652117f22881c97aa00c8a5271970cb44131b8
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 07:45:48 2011 -0400

    Modifed glew_head.c to include loading of ES libs in case of Linux.
    Added some macros and include the eglew.h header for GLEW_ES_ONLY case.

    Still need to properly do the loading of the lib.
    Present one is added to do initial testing.

commit 6abbeb7a057ae402dc059aa52aed3b2b00a3e1c8
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 07:14:14 2011 -0400

    GLES extensions and core specs are initailized and whether these are supported can be queried

    Some extensions are common to both OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
    These extensions are moved from ES to 'common' folder so that there are not initialized twice.
    Once glew.c is created these extensions are moved back.
    For this two script are added: and

commit 6b4b2c466e4fc19e744364498d56a99e1ecfa8b1
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 06:42:50 2011 -0400

    GLES function pointers and variables are defined in glew.c
    ES related code will be added to glew.c

commit d65cf29845d3bda1b6401e44f4331f934da6ee89
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 04:47:44 2011 -0400

    glew_head_es.h has been renamed to glesew_head.h and corresponding change made in Makefile.

commit 90d4ea4bd0e1dce6f4a67924e60a7da42095462d
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 02:51:32 2011 -0400

    glesew.h is included in glew.h when GLEW_ES_ONLY is defined.
    glew.h checks if ES headers are included before it.
    glesew.h checks that it should be included via glew.h
    fixed GL_OES_single_precision by adding GLclampd definition

commit ef18493c6c1b25f540b5c5987af0117390f9ce85
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 01:30:47 2011 -0400

    Added the function pointers and variables to egl context structure in eglew.h.

commit 39d4ef3525f938d54b31eaa44b770e950ae0e4e0
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 19 01:14:49 2011 -0400

    eglew.h is created containing the core specs and extensions headers. is modified to handle the tokens EGL_COLORSPACE_sRGB and EGL_VG_COLORSPACE_sRGB.

commit 3f8069938133719eaf86d48bad00502651d70856
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 17 09:18:21 2011 -0400

    Added the function pointers and variables to context structure in glesew.h.

commit a32229f8bfb8bca51cac8759d07f4f875c01c2d9
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 17 08:53:27 2011 -0400

    glesew.h now contains the core specs and extensions headers.

commit 0e32ed7b41c43d1ada1dff72e8e5c0be60ec1a5a
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 17 08:17:50 2011 -0400

    Changed the Makefile dependency.
    glesew.h will depend of ES related specs and eglew.h will depend on EGL specs.
    glesew.h file will be the header file for ES.
    eglew.h will be the header file for EGL similar to glxew.h/wglex.h.

commit 9bddbc76a088e25866cf39766749a95532de1ca9
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 30 05:36:10 2011 -0400

    ES and EGL descriptors are generated from registry files.

    Two shell script are added for this: and

commit 67134d460b2b1678203295f0d9a628f4aaaefe58
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 30 05:03:14 2011 -0400

    ES and EGL extensions are downloaded.

    Using option --no-parent was downloading unnecessary extensions also.
    Changed the option to --include.

commit 68620aea25c3bf4171dd44f663198ce99cf05dc0
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 30 04:46:09 2011 -0400

    EGL core spec added.

    EGL 1.1 is added to auto/eglew_head.h.
    core_egl folder is created and EGL 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 are added to it.
    egltypes.h is not used, only eglplatform.h is used.

commit e0ec564d714d15b04cdf0771d6f73703e6792a0b
Author: Shariq <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 30 02:10:58 2011 -0400

    Start of adding OpenGL ES support to GLEW. ES 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 core spec added.

    OpenGL ES 1.0 is added to auto/src folder.
    core_es folder is created and ES 1.1 and 2.0 are added to it.
    khrplatform.h has been added to ES 1.0.
    It provide better platform dependent types so has been used in ES 1.0 also.

File Description Downloads
download icon glew-es-2011.07.tar.gz (md5) glew lib supporting ES. 694
last downloaded 56 weeks ago
Total downloads: 694