News and announcements
Launchpad 1.2.5 released
Written for Launchpad Suite by Matthew Revell on 2008-05-30
The Launchpad team is proud to announce the 29th May 2008 release of Launchpad 1.2.5!
New features in this release include:
* voting and commenting on code branch mergers
* new Launchpad-wide search
* and translations search!
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Loggerhead 1.2.1 released!
Written for loggerhead by Michael Hudson-Doyle on 2008-03-06
I'm happy to announce the release of Loggerhead 1.2.1, a web viewer for Bazaar branches. This release just fixes a small but embarrassing bug in the changelog view. Over a year had passed since the 1.1.1 release and Robey and more recently I have made many improvements, mainly in the areas of performance and robustness.
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Loggerhead 1.2 released!
Written for loggerhead by Michael Hudson-Doyle on 2008-03-04
I'm happy to announce the release of Loggerhead 1.2, a web viewer for Bazaar branches. Over a year has passed since the last release and Robey and more recently I have made many improvements, mainly in the areas of performance and robustness.