Kivy 1.10.1 released

Written for Kivy by tshirtman on 2018-07-10

- It's now possible to query Window information with the SDL provider.
- SVG support improvements.
- Export_to_png now preserves widget's alpha.
- It's now possible to define a custom comparison for properties, to manage dispatching better.
- Layouts' add_widget method now accept the `canvas` argument that `Widget`'s does.
- Fix for infamous SDL window issue on Linux.
- `disabled` property of widget now restores the previous value of disabled of children on unset.
- The tuio implementation now uses the new `oscpy` library instead of the bundled oscAPI module, this solves a lot of issues with python3 and massively increase performances. The old OSC package is still shipped, but will be removed in future releases.
- On Linux, probesysfs input detection doesn't depend on getconf anymore,which makes it more portable.

and a lot more, see

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