grep main series

The primary "trunk" of development for this product. This series
was automatically created and represents the idea of a primary trunk
of software development without "stable branches". For most
products, releases in this series will be "milestone" or "test"
releases, and there should be other series for the stable releases
of the product.

Series information

Project drivers:
GNU admins
Release manager:
Active Development
Project development focus:
is the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:*.tar.gz

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Code for this series

No revision control details recorded for grep main series.

Milestones and releases

125 of 25 results
Version Expected Released Summary
grep 3.11 None
grep 3.10 None
grep 3.9 None
grep 3.8 None
grep 3.7 None
grep 3.6 None
grep 3.5 None
grep 2.9 None
grep 2.8 None
grep 2.7 None
grep 2.6.3 None
grep 2.6.2 None
grep 2.6.1 None
grep 2.6 None
grep 2.5.4 None
grep 2.5.3 None
grep 2.5.1a None
grep 2.5.1 None
grep 2.5 None
grep 2.4.2 None
grep 2.4.1 None
grep 2.4 None
grep 2.3 None
grep 2.2 None
grep 2.0 None
125 of 25 results
This series contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.


Latest version is 3.11

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