Geis 2.2.10

Milestone information

Stephen M. Webb
Release registered:
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2 Chase Douglas
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
3 Fix Released

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download icon utouch-geis-2.2.10.tar.xz (md5, sig) utouch-geis source release 2.2.10 52
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
download icon utouch-geis-2.2.10.tar.gz (md5, sig) GEIS v2.2.10 source release 140
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 192

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View the full changelog

2012-04-12 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 bumped version to 2.2.9

stephenw@ariel:~/projects/utouch/utouch-geis/utouch-geis$ bzr log -rtag:v2.2.9.. -n1 --gnu-changelog
2012-06-05 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 bumped version to 2.2.10

2012-06-05 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 added missing headers for distcheck target

2012-05-23 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Fixed an invalid failure condition during back end fallback.

 Early rejection of the default back end (in this case, if no DBus session was running) did not trigger the fallback back end to be initialized, so the various xorg-gtest integration tests were segfaulting on a partially-initialized geis object.

2012-05-23 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Avoid trying to start a DBus session if there is none already (lp: #997630)

2012-05-22 Daniel d'Andrada <email address hidden>

 When a gesture is accepted, remove queued events from all overlapping ones.

 We don't want to send outdated, invalid, events to clients since all overlapping
 gestures get canceled in GRAIL when a gesture is accepted.

 Includes test.

2012-05-18 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Changed grail gesture type constants to latest API.

2012-05-17 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Removed XCB back end.

2012-05-16 Daniel d'Andrada <email address hidden>


 Includes test.

2012-04-27 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Report device axis extents, if available (lp: #987539).

2012-04-27 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Refactored GEIS2 integration tests.

2012-04-25 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Fixed a FTBFS in the uTouch daily PPA
 - x11_mock include searches failed in a pristine environment
 - gtest_geis2_grail_backend link failedwith missing symbols
 - gtest_geis2_grail_backend segfaulted at runtime in utouch-frame

2012-04-24 Daniel d'Andrada <email address hidden>

 GeisTouches from direct devices should be in window coordinates

 GeisTouches provided by gesture events (GEIS_EVENT_GESTURE_BEGIN,
 coordinates if they come from a direct device (e.g. touchscreens) and in
 input device coordinates when from indirect devices (e.g. touchpads/trackpads).

 Have this also documented in geis.h

 They were coming always in device coordinates.

 Includes unit test and X11 mockups.

2012-04-24 Chase Douglas <email address hidden>

 Add missing file testsuite/recordings/touchscreen_a/pinch_2.record

 I forgot to add it in the previous merge.

2012-04-23 Chase Douglas <email address hidden>

 Merge fix for GeisSubscriptionFlags usage when compiling with g++

2012-04-23 Chase Douglas <email address hidden>

 Merge fixes for radius and position delta calculations

2012-04-20 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Added a compile-time sentinel check to variadic calls in the API.

2012-04-18 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 Added an API for setting and getting grail tuning properties.

2012-04-13 Stephen M. Webb <email address hidden>

 fixed bad argument in a test case

0 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
985916 #985916 Position deltas are incorrect when synchronous events are not enabled 4 Medium Chase Douglas  10 Fix Released
987539 #987539 Grail backend does not populate device X and Y axis attributes 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
813819 #813819 GeisSubscriptionFlags declared as enum when it is really a bitmask 5 Low Chase Douglas  10 Fix Released
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