Desktop Drapes 0.5 series

This is the branch leading to the 0.5.0 release of drapes. (the 0.4.9x series) and the soon stable 0.5.x branch.

Series information

Desktop Drapes
Project drivers:
Milosz Tanski
Release manager:
Active Development
Project development focus:
is not the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

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Code for this series

The following branch has been registered as the mainline branch for this release series:

140 revisions.

You can get a copy of the development focus branch using the command:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/drapes/0.5

Browse the code

Milestones and releases

18 of 8 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Desktop Drapes 0.5.2 "Update, YAY!" None Small fixes and translation updates.
Desktop Drapes 0.5.1 "And you thought it was all over" None
Desktop Drapes 0.5.0 "More of the same, AWESOMENESS!!!" None Minor bug fixes & translation updates.
Desktop Drapes 0.4.96-bzr2 "Still no Icon -- Take 2" None
Desktop Drapes 0.4.96 "Still no Icons" None Closer to 0.5
Desktop Drapes 0.4.95 "Car Wax" None * Less problems :)
Desktop Drapes 0.4.98 2006-09-30 This is an inactive milestone
Desktop Drapes 0.4.97 ""Baby I've changed; I promise I have less bugs"" 2006-01-05 Overall polish, lots of fixes. Also now we have documentation and an awesome...
18 of 8 results
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0.5 does not have any download files.