News and announcements

downtimed project moved to GitHub

Written for downtimed by Janne Snabb on 2016-05-12

The development repository of downtimed is now at GitHub:

downtimed 0.6 released

Written for downtimed by Janne Snabb on 2013-07-27

This version implements minor new features as well as compatibility fixes on FreeBSD 9 and GNU/Hurd.

downtimed 0.5 released

Written for downtimed by Janne Snabb on 2011-03-02

This is yet another bug fix and portability enhancement release.

A bug which prevented time stamp files from being created if -S option was given to downtimed has been fixed.

The software should be now compatible with RHEL/CentOS 5 and Solaris as well as with some other systems lacking some modern interfaces.

OpenBSD and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD compatibility has been improved. openSUSE startup script has been added.

Other minor bug fixes and improvements are documented in the NEWS file in the distribution tarball.

downtimed 0.4 released

Written for downtimed by Janne Snabb on 2010-12-25

This is a bug fix and portability enhancement release. This release should introduce support for OpenBSD and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. Backwards lseek(2) was changed to forward lseek(2) to avoid strange bugs on some systems. The downtimed(8) daemon does not create its data directory on its own any longer: it should be created by the system administrator or package maintainer. There are some other minor bug and style fixes also.

downtimed 0.3 released

Written for downtimed by Janne Snabb on 2010-10-26

Downtimed version 0.3 has been released. This version introduces support for Mac OS X. It also fixes manual page formatting on several OSes. GNU/Linux users do not need to upgrade.

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