
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
DOLFWAVE 0.5 "Time Integration" trunk 2017-07-01 not yet released Implement new time integration algorithms. Implicit schemes. Implement variab...
DOLFWAVE 0.4 "Stability" trunk 2017-01-01 not yet released Add some stability tests.
DOLFWAVE 0.3 "KdV and BBM" trunkdolfin0.9.9 2010-11-30 A new approach to KdV-Type equations
DOLFWAVE 0.2 trunkdolfin0.9.9 2010-08-07 Update to 0.9.8 dolfin version.
DOLFWAVE 0.1 trunkdolfin0.9.9 2010-07-01 All the demos working on the updated version of dolfin