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110 of 50 releases

0.91 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information

- DockbarX should now be able to handle situations where there are too many open applications to show them all in dockbarx.
- Battery applet added for DockX.
- Bug #652386 and Bug #1120940: DockbarX no longer freeze when there are more windows open than can fit into the window list.
- Bug #1314868: A graphical glitch fixed. Icons no longer has junk pixels around them.
- Code cleanups and possibly also some speedups.
- Other small fixes.

File Description Downloads
download icon DockbarX 0.91.tar.gz (md5, sig) Platform independent 3,883
last downloaded 34 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,883

0.90.3 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fixes:
- Volume-control was not installed with the rest of the applets.
- A small bug stopped volume-controll from starting on a fresh setup.


Bug fixes:
- Volume-control was not installed with the rest of the applets.
- A small bug stopped volume-controll from starting on a fresh setup.

Bug fixes:
- Appindicators: indicator-application-service wasn't started with the applet in ubuntu 12.10 since the path to the file differs from previous ubuntu releases.
- Appindicators: older versions of indicator-application-service are now supported. Appindicator applet works in ubuntu 11.10 (and perhaps eariler versions as well).

- Appindicator menus pop up next to the dock instead of at mouse pointer. Appindicator icon size is increased to 18.
- Added a launcher for DockX.

Bug fixes:
- Bug #970737: DockX background disappeared on mouse over with cairo 1.12.
- Bug #1066875: Visual glitches in right click menu for ubuntu 12.10 (compiz bug).
- Namebar themes were installed in the wrong folder which made the applet crash.

Translations are updated as well.

0.90 - Jump in version number to signal that a 1.0 version is closing in.
- The stand alone dock supports applets now. See list of applets below.
- The selection of themes that comes with DockbarX is renewed. All themes should work both horizontal and vertical.
- The appearence tab in dockbarx preferences has gotten a little face lift and all themes now comes with a info text that is shown when pushing the info button in appearence tab.
- The width of window titles in window list can be specified now if no previews are used.

Theme making:
- Rotate command to rotate pixmaps and icons. The composite command can also rotate the foreground pixmap by using the option angle.
- The if command has gotten a new option orient so that themes can look differently depending on the docks position (left, right, up or down).
- To simplify things different values for different orientations can also be set by usining sets. More info on this will be added later. For now read theme config to see examples (DMD glass is a good choise).
- Offsets and sizes can be set with in percent of the button size instead of only in absolut pixels. Combinations can also be used like "-3px-15%".
- Aspect ratios can be set separately when themes are used vertically by setting the option aspect_ratio_v in button_pixmap command.

- DockbarX (duh)
- Cardapio: An alternative gnome menu, launcher and much more. Cardapio has to be installed for it to work.
- Clock: Show time and if you want the date. The looks is changeable by changing fonts or using custom gnome clock applet strings (google it). On clicks orage will be launched if installed. If you want to launch something else change the gconf key /apps/dockbarx/applets/clock/command.
- Appindicator: Shows appindicators. Indicator-application needs to be installed for it to work.
- Volume control: Controls volume. Ported from AWN.
- Namebar/window titile/windowbuttons: Shows window title and/or close/maximize/minimize buttons on the panel to save screen space.

And some bug fixes as well.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.90.3.tar.gz (md5) Platform independent 13,332
last downloaded 36 weeks ago
Total downloads: 13,332

0.90.2 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

AppIndicators works in ubuntu 12.10


Bug fixes:
- Appindicators: indicator-application-service wasn't started with the applet in ubuntu 12.10 since the path to the file differs from previous ubuntu releases.
- Appindicators: older versions of indicator-application-service are now supported. Appindicator applet works in ubuntu 11.10 (and perhaps eariler versions as well).

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.90.2.tar.gz (md5) Platform independent 374
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 374

0.90.1 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fix release.


- Appindicator menus pop up next to the dock instead of at mouse pointer. Appindicator icon size is increased to 18.
- Added a launcher for DockX.

Bug fixes:
- Bug #970737: DockX background disappeared on mouse over with cairo 1.12.
- Bug #1066875: Visual glitches in right click menu for ubuntu 12.10 (compiz bug).
- Namebar themes were installed in the wrong folder which made the applet crash.

Translations are updated as well.

0.90 - Jump in version number to signal that a 1.0 version is closing in.
- The stand alone dock supports applets now. See list of applets below.
- The selection of themes that comes with DockbarX is renewed. All themes should work both horizontal and vertical.
- The appearance tab in dockbarx preferences has gotten a little face lift and all themes now comes with a info text that is shown when pushing the info button in appearance tab.
- The width of window titles in window list can be specified now if no previews are used.

Theme making:
- Rotate command to rotate pixmaps and icons. The composite command can also rotate the foreground pixmap by using the option angle.
- The if command has gotten a new option orient so that themes can look differently depending on the docks position (left, right, up or down).
- To simplify things different values for different orientations can also be set by usining sets. More info on this will be added later. For now read theme config to see examples (DMD glass is a good choise).
- Offsets and sizes can be set with in percent of the button size instead of only in absolut pixels. Combinations can also be used like "-3px-15%".
- Aspect ratios can be set separately when themes are used vertically by setting the option aspect_ratio_v in button_pixmap command.

- DockbarX (duh)
- Cardapio: An alternative gnome menu, launcher and much more. Cardapio has to be installed for it to work.
- Clock: Show time and if you want the date. The looks is changeable by changing fonts or using custom gnome clock applet strings (google it). On clicks orage will be launched if installed. If you want to launch something else change the gconf key /apps/dockbarx/applets/clock/command.
- Appindicator: Shows appindicators. Indicator-application needs to be installed for it to work.
- Volume control: Controls volume. Ported from AWN.
- Namebar/window titile/windowbuttons: Shows window title and/or close/maximize/minimize buttons on the panel to save screen space.

And some bug fixes as well.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.90.1.tar.gz (md5) Platform independent 102
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 102

x.0.90 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

- New applet system for the stand alone dock with applets like appindicators, cardapio, volume control, namebar and a clock.
- New selection of themes. All themes works both horizontal and vertical.


0.90 - Jump in version number to signal that a 1.0 version is closing in.
- The stand alone dock supports applets now. See list of applets below.
- The selection of themes that comes with DockbarX is renewed. All themes should work both horizontal and vertical.
- The appearence tab in dockbarx preferences has gotten a little face lift and all themes now comes with a info text that is shown when pushing the info button in appearence tab.
- The width of window titles in window list can be specified now if no previews are used.

Theme making:
- Rotate command to rotate pixmaps and icons. The composite command can also rotate the foreground pixmap by using the option angle.
- The if command has gotten a new option orient so that themes can look differently depending on the docks position (left, right, up or down).
- To simplify things different values for different orientations can also be set by usining sets. More info on this will be added later. For now read theme config to see examples (DMD glass is a good choise).
- Offsets and sizes can be set with in percent of the button size instead of only in absolut pixels. Combinations can also be used like "-3px-15%".
- Aspect ratios can be set separately when themes are used vertically by setting the option aspect_ratio_v in button_pixmap command.

- DockbarX (duh)
- Cardapio: An alternative gnome menu, launcher and much more. Cardapio has to be installed for it to work.
- Clock: Show time and if you want the date. The looks is changeable by changing fonts or using custom gnome clock applet strings (google it). On clicks orage will be launched if installed. If you want to launch something else change the gconf key /apps/dockbarx/applets/clock/command.
- Appindicator: Shows appindicators. Indicator-application needs to be installed for it to work.
- Volume control: Controls volume. Ported from AWN.
- Namebar/window titile/windowbuttons: Shows window title and/or close/maximize/minimize buttons on the panel to save screen space.

And some bug fixes as well.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.90.tar.gz (md5) Platform independent 456
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 456

x.0.48 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fix release. The big one is that previews works correctly with compiz 0.9.x thanks to a workaround.


- More intuitive placement of drag-dropped launchers, they don't always end up on the right side of the button you drop them on anymore.

Bug fixes:
- Workaround for the Compiz preview bug. Previews should work more or less as they are supposed to even if you use Compiz 0.9 now (even for minimized windows if you activate "keep previews of minimized windows" in workarounds plugin).
- Previews are resized correctly on window geometry changes.
- The dock doesn't loose the ability to resize itself anymore every time the compositing window manager is restarted.
- Bug #837711: DockX repositioned itself when unhiding.
- Bug #854551: DockbarX failed to recognize windows moved to another workspace.
- Bug #854561: DockbarX fails to show the selected window when using drag and drop.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.48.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 4,290
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,290

x.0.47 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

Added window list styles and dock themes.


- Window list styles
The window list (and the close button) is themeable now. You can select different styles for the window list from appearence tab. The styles are independent parts of the themes. They exist in .dockbarx/themes/popup_styles or /usr/share/dockbarx/themes/popup_styles. They are .tar.gz files and should contain one style file with all the settings and optionally one background.png picture. Making styles should be very easy compared to making themes. Look inside any of the styles that comes with DockbarX, the style file is heavily commented. Themes can set which style they want to use as default and the default colors of the window list is still set from the theme.
- Window list look has changed more besides the styles. Active and urgent windows are now highlighted with background colors instead of simply changing fonts.

- Stand alone dock themes
The dock is themable now as well. Writing dock themes is similar to writing window list styles. The files is located at ~/.dockbarx/themes/dock/ or /usr/share/dockbarx/themes/dock/. Look inside one of the themes for more information on how to make one, it shouldn't be too hard.

Bug fixes:
- Bug #833335 and #834804: The awn applet didn't remove icons on windows where closed. (Sorry AWN-using-people for the long wait for this fix.)
- Lots of small bugfixes for the dock. The dock is still a little bit buggy so please bug report anything and there will be a bug fix release soon.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.47.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 116
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
Total downloads: 116

x.0.46.1 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

Added the word "not" which fixed an ugly bug in the dock.


+Bug Fixes:
+- Bug #809080: In the dock application buttons were not removed when windows were closed when the behaviors "panel" or "standard" were used.
+- Removed an old workround for OpenOffice/LibreOffice recent files that flooded the list with wrong entries.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.46.1.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 482
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 482

x.0.46 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information

+- Unity progress bars and counters (badges) are supported now as well as dynamic quicklists and urgent signals.
+- Dockmanager progress bars and urgent signals are supported now. The badges are rewritten and have a new improved look.
+- The mouse cursor is changed to the wait cursor when a program is launched from dockbarx.
+The Dock:
+- The dock can be set to dodge windows or to dodge the active window. See the behavior option in dock tab of preference.
+- The dock tab of preference are now shown only if the dock is running when the preference window is opened. Hopefully this will reduce confusion for people who hasn't used the preference window of DockbarX before.
+AWN applet:
+- DockbarX AWN applet can make AWN dodge windows or dodge the active window since avoid windows and intellihide of AWN only works when the taskbar is used. This can be set from the new AWN tab in Dockbarx preference.
+- When AWN is set to autohide, the autohide is inhibited while a DockbarX window list is howered.
+- The new AWN tab in preference is only shown if the DockbarX awn applet is running when when preference window is opened. Hopefully this will reduce confusion for people who hasn't used the preference window of DockbarX before.
+- In agreement with the creator Izobalax, the license for the gaia theme is changed to CC 3.0 BY-SA so that it can be included in the official debian package.
+Bug Fixes:
+- Related files didn't work for applications with more than one mimetype. Hopefully the related files feature will be more useful now when this bug is fixed!
+- Bug #806990: DockbarX (the dock and the awn applet) crashed when closing Libreoffice Calc.
+- Bug #779564: DockbarX gave all windows opacity 0 under some circumstances.
+- Bug #809080: Closed apps were shown as running in the dock when not using autohide.

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.46.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 62
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 62

x.0.45 release from the dockbarx series released

Release information
Release notes:

- Autohide option for the dock.

Bug Fixes:
- Quicklists no longer shows the menu items in random order.
- A few small bugs that caused either weird behavior or chrashes fixed. (Bug #801580, #801361, #743749, #784307 and others)

File Description Downloads
download icon dockbarx_0.45.tar.gz (md5) Platform Independent 432
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 432

110 of 50 releases