Publishing details


findutils (4.9.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Run wrap-and-sort -ast.
  * debian/control: add locate to XB-Cnf-Ignore-Commands so it is ignored by
    command-not-found as plocate provides a higher priority alternative for
    locate. Closes: #1036612 (Thanks to Sebastien Bacher for the pointer)
  * Make libselinux1-dev build-dep conditional on [linux-any] instead of
    excluding a list of existing hurd and kfree-bsd ports. (Thanks, Samuel
    Thibault) Closes: #1035768
  * Drop Breaks for slocate (Removed 2009) and Replaces on findutils from
  * Add lintian-override for unknown-field Cnf-Ignore-Commands.

 -- Andreas Metzler <email address hidden>  Sun, 02 Jul 2023 07:26:45 +0200

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