Compiz Main Plugins

Milestone information

Compiz Main Plugins
Daniel van Vugt
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4 Daniel van Vugt, 2 Sam Spilsbury, 1 Łukasz Zemczak
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
7 Fix Released

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download icon compiz-plugins-main- (md5, sig) Compiz Main Plugins source 631
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
Total downloads: 631

Release notes 

Release (2012-04-24 Daniel van Vugt <>)

Bugs fixed (

    930192 - [regression] Animations of large or full-screen windows skip
             frames (not smooth)
    940603 - white box randomly shows up at top left corner blocking
             applications from using stuff under it
    953834 - vpswitch plugin doesn't consume keyboard events (keys are sent to
             the active window)
    954079 - right-click crashes graphical environment
    959260 - DSO linking issues
    976469 - Menu bar - Shadows are not clipped until animations are finished
    987647 - Mouse pointer doesn't change when dragging windows in expo


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
930192 #930192 [regression] Animations of large or full-screen windows skip frames (not smooth) 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
940603 #940603 white box randomly shows up at top left corner blocking applications from using stuff under it 3 High Sam Spilsbury  10 Fix Released
954079 #954079 right-click crashes graphical environment 3 High Łukasz Zemczak  10 Fix Released
953834 #953834 vpswitch plugin doesn't consume keyboard events (keys are sent to the active window) 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
959260 #959260 DSO linking issues 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
976469 #976469 Menu bar - Shadows are not clipped until animations are finished 4 Medium Sam Spilsbury  10 Fix Released
987647 #987647 Mouse pointer doesn't change when dragging windows in expo 5 Low Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
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