Release Note: ComPDFKit 1.9.1

Written for ComPDFKit PDF SDK by Youna on 2023-08-15

## Windows: ##
**New Features**
・Added support for adjusting the default properties when creating text boxes.
・Added support for adapting the width when resizing PDF size.
・Added support for more shortcuts in editing text.

**Issues Addressed**
・Fixed issues that garbled characters are displayed when inputting text into stamp annotations.
・Optimized inputting text and matching the font style with the original text in editing text.
・Optimized the UI interaction for copying and pasting in content editor mode.

## Android: ##
**New Features**
・Added API for feature mode switching.
・Added API for adding and replacing images using URLs in PDF content.

**Issues Addressed**
・Fixed crash issues when entering the PDF crop mode in content editing mode.
・Optimized supporting saving images to a specified path when exporting them.
・Optimized the interaction for image editing: Image cropping and resizing.
・Optimized the selection of form fields.
・Optimized the feature of hiding form fields.

## iOS: ##
**New Features**
・Added support for adding text and image boxes when editing PDF content.
・Added support for adjusting the default properties when creating text boxes.
・Added support for adapting the width when resizing PDF size.
・Added support for getting images when editing PDF images.

**Issues Addressed**
・Fixed crash issues when entering the PDF crop mode in content editing mode.
・Fixed issues that text boxes could not be selected when layers overlapped.
・Fixed issues that the keyboard pops up when processing the "undo, redo" function in text editing mode.
・Fixed issues that garbled characters are displayed when inputting text into stamp annotations.
・Optimized the feature of image replacement in image editing mode.

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