
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
µBackup 5.0 5.0 None not yet released This is the final, stable and the first release of µBackup completely written...
µBackup 2.2.1 "Dream" 2.2 None The first bug-fix release of the 2.2 series.
µBackup 1.1b2 "Shorty" 1.1 None The second beta release of BXE 1.1 "Shorty"
µBackup 1.1b1 "Shorty" 1.1 None The first and last beta release of BXE 1.1.
µBackup 1.1a2 "Shorty" 1.1 None The second alpha release of BXE 1.1, contains some improvements on the instal...
µBackup 1.1a1 "Shorty" 1.1 None BXE 1.1 Alpha 1
µBackup 1.1.6 "Shorty" 1.1 None A security release.
µBackup 1.1.5 "Shorty" 1.1 None This release contains a low-importance bug fixed on the non-permanent configu...
µBackup 1.1.4 "Shorty" 1.1 None This release contains low-importance bugs fixed.
µBackup 1.1.3 "Shorty" 1.1 None This release contains the new "configuration_version" for track the version o...
µBackup 1.1.2 "Shorty" 1.1 None The second bugfix release of 1.1 series! This release contains only a modifie...
µBackup 1.1.1 "Shorty" 1.1 None This release contains some bugfixes and the name changed to "µBackup"
µBackup 1.0rc1 "Open" 1.0 None The Last Development Release of BXE 1.0!!!
µBackup 1.0b2.1 "Open" 1.0 None A Revision Release for BXE 1.0b2, featuring --nock option for packages building.
µBackup 1.0b2 "Open" 1.0 None The last Beta Release of BXE 1.0.
µBackup 1.0b1 "Open" 1.0 None The first beta release of BXE
µBackup 1.0a5 "Open" 1.0 None The last Alpha version.
µBackup 1.0a4 "Open" 1.0 None This development release is the 0.4 (1.0 Alpha 4) and it is the first public ...
µBackup 1.0.3 "Open" 1.0 None A bugfix release that address the bug #293801 and changes the name of this pr...
µBackup 1.0.2 "Open" 1.0 None BXE 1.0.2 "Open", the second bugfix release for the 1.0 series.
µBackup 1.0.1 "Open" 1.0 None The first bugfix release of BXE!
µBackup 4.99.2 5.0 2010-10-17 µBackup 5.0 Release Candidate 2 - µBackup Core
µBackup 4.99.0 5.0 2010-03-20 µBackup 5 Release Candidate 1 will be the last development release and will c...
µBackup 4.95.0 5.0 2010-02-27 µBackup 5 Beta 1 will include: - µBackup Plugin Framework - a GUI Handler Plu...
µBackup 4.90.0 5.0 2010-02-06 µBackup 5.0 Alpha 2. This release will include more features like the Setting...
µBackup 4.85.0 5.0 2010-01-23 This is the first alpha release of µBackup 5.0, the next generation of this s...
µBackup 0.99.3.winnt.16 win32 2009-07-27 The first release (3rd alpha) of µBackup for WinNT.
µBackup 3.3.10 "Summer-alpha1" 3.4 2009-07-12 The First Alpha of µBackup 3.4.
µBackup 3.2.0 "Spring" 3.2 2009-06-24 The final release of uBackup 3.2.
µBackup 3.0.2 "Dream2" 3.0 2009-06-24 A bugfix release of uBackup 3.0.
µBackup 3.1.85 "Spring-rc2" 3.2 2009-06-13 The second and (hopefully) last RC release of µBackup 3.2.
µBackup 3.1.80 "Spring-rc1" 3.2 2009-06-06 The last development release of uBackup.
µBackup 3.1.10 "Spring-alpha1" 3.2 2009-05-31 The first Spring development release.
µBackup 3.0.1 "Dream2" 3.0 2009-05-31 A bug Fix Release.
µBackup 3.0.0 3.0 2009-04-11
µBackup 2.2.2 2.2 2009-04-11
µBackup 2.0.3 2.0 2009-04-11
µBackup 3.0rc1 3.0 2009-04-08 This release contains only fixes from the beta 1.
µBackup 3.0b1 3.0 2009-04-03 New upgrader, documentation, new configurator and some other things.
µBackup 3.0a2 "Dream²" 3.0 2009-03-07 The Second Alpha Release of µBackup 3.0.
µBackup 3.0a1 "Dream²" 3.0 2009-02-21 The first development release of µBackup 3.0.
µBackup 2.0.2 "TuxTux" 2.0 2009-02-21 The second bug-fix release of 2.0 series.
µBackup 2.2.0 "Happy Birthday Tuxbuntu/Tuxpenguin!" 2.2 2009-01-24 The final release of 2.2. The final release of 2.2.0, contains some bug fixes.
µBackup 2.0.1 "TuxTux" 2.0 2009-01-24 Release that fixes some bugs.
µBackup 2.2a1 "Bye Bye 2008, Welcome 2009!" 2.2 2008-12-31 The first alpha release of 2.2 and the last µBackup release made in 2008 (LOL...
µBackup 2.0.0 "TuxTux" 2.0 2008-12-24 The final release of µBackup 2.0!!!!!!! The final release of µBackup 2.0 "Tux...
µBackup 2.0rc1 "TuxTux" 2.0 2008-12-19 The last development release of the 2.0 series.
µBackup 2.0b1 "SlowTux" 2.0 2008-12-11 This release contains much bugfixes and new functions. Keep in mind that thi...
µBackup 2.0a2 2.0 2008-10-31 not yet released The second alpha of µBackup 2.0. The core should be finished in this release.
µBackup 2.0a1 "TuxTux" 2.0 2008-10-24 The First alpha of µBackup 2.0. The First Alpha Release of µBackup 2.0.
µBackup 1.1.0 "Shorty" 1.1 2008-09-24 BXE 1.1 Stable Release The first stable release of the 1.1 Series.
µBackup 1.0 "Open" 1.0 2008-08-08 The first stable release! It has some new features like: - a new GTK GUI - ...