News and announcements

Goodbye µBackup.

Written for µBackup by Luca Boncore on 2011-02-12

Hi all,
as of our recent decision to abandon the µSoft and µ* branding, we have taken the decision to change
the name to µBackup. We have decided to create a new project only because we need a new versioning
Semplice Backup is the new name for µBackup, used to reflect our new branding policy and this
project remains only for "historical" purposes.
Check out Semplice Backup at
Please note that Semplice Backup uses the same code of µBackup.
Thank you all for your contributions!

tuxpenguin -
ex-µSoft founder

µBackup 5.0 Release Candidate 2 released!

Written for µBackup by Luca Boncore on 2010-10-17

Hi guys,
we're proud to announce that today we have released µBackup 5 Release Candidate 2!
You'll find the full announcement in the link below.

Thank you,

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Two years of µBackup: happy birthday!

Written for µBackup by Luca Boncore on 2010-07-08

It started two years ago, when we were kids and we desired to create an innovative software.
The 8h July 2008 born BXE, our first public software :D
In two years we improved a lot our creation, and finally, we are nearby the 5th goal: µBackup 5 Anniversary!
'Five' means stability and also maturity, because it is the result of an experience of two years.
As you know, in march we have started the rewriting of µBackup in Python.
The results of this are an improved stability, a clean code and developer-friendly source code.
µBackup will be officially released and presented tomorrow. Expect it between the afternoon and the evening ;)

Stay tuned :)
The happy and older µSoft Team

µBackup 5 RC 1 released!

Written for µBackup by Luca Boncore on 2010-03-20

Hello everyone,
today we've the pleasure to announce that µBackup 5 Release Candidate has been released!
This release contains minor bug fixes, an improved console UI and a full support for FTP backups, both from command-line and CLI UI.
The next release will be fully translated at least in Italian language.

Enjoy :)

µSoft Team

µBackup 5 Beta 1 released!

Written for µBackup by Luca Boncore on 2010-02-27

Hi guys,
today it's an important day: we have released µBackup 5 Beta 1!
µBackup 5 Beta 1 introduces new features such as a new plugin system (based on and a PyGTK GUI mockup.
Please, test it and report bugs.

Enjoy ;)

µSoft Team.

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