AudioPreview 0.3 released

Written for AudioPreview by Arnaud Soyez on 2009-03-15

This post announces the release of a new version of AudioPreview: AudioPreview 0.3 !

This version introduces some more fixes and a few new features. It is stable enough for personal uses and would probably be suitable for production uses.

If you find any bug, please refer to the bug page to see how to submit a bug report.

New features:

    * Added some keyboard shortcuts:
          o N: to play the next stream.
          o Spacebar: to pause/resume playing.
          o Q: to quit.
    * Better duration checks and better keeping track of current stream.
    * Added support for simple playlists (new-line separated list of files):
          o audiopreview –file files-to-preview.txt
          o or even: audiopreview –entirely –shuffle –file <(find ~/Music/ -name ’*.mp3’)


    * Fixed Segmentation faults with very very long args
    * Fixed a few memory leaks that were left over.
    * Fixed warnings are now sent to STDERR instead of STDOUT.
    * Fixed possible race condition.
    * Fixed a minor packaging related issue about

Features from previous versions:

    * Preview hundreds of media files without any freeze/lag:
          o audiopreview *.*
    * You can set the playing duration:
          o audiopreview –duration 65 yourfile.ogg anotherfile.mp3
    * Change the position from where to start playin (see the man page in tarball):
          o audiopreview –position 1 somefiles.* # to preview a few seconds in the middle of each file
    * You can preview anything (using Gstreamer plugins):
          o audio files (mp3, ogg, rm, flac, …)
          o video files (avi, mpg, vorbis, mkv, …)
          o internet streams, etc… !
                + audiopreview video.avi http://coolradio:port/ coolfile.ogg
    * For videos, you can even watch them!
          o You can disable this behaviour by using the -a option: audiopreview -a video.avi
    * Shows the current song for streams and audio files (if available)
    * Shows the current elapsed time and total time (if available)
    * Use it as a normal media player (play till the file’s end)
          o audiopreview –entirely file.ogg
          o audiopreview -e http://radio:port/
    * –volume option, to change the initial output volume.
          o audiopreview –volume 85 *.mp3
    * –shuffle option to shuffle the playlist before playing 1st stream.
          o audiopreview –shuffle *.*
          o audiopreview -S -e *.* (to play all your files entirely!)

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