Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp
Project has moved to github:
This project aim to deal with modules to ease the financial accounting in OpenERP. You'll find modules that:
- Update the currency rate automatically via web services
- Credit Management and follow up
- Account reversal to generate the "contrary" of an entries with a link between them
- ...
Project information
- Licence:
- GNU GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
7.0 series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1361752: account_pain : XML indentation
Reported -
Bug #1334980: Multiple values for keyword argument context
Reported -
Bug #1326659: currency updating date shows wrong when set it monthly update
Reported -
Bug #1324644: Move templates using user input generates only one line
Reported -
Bug #1320918: Error when you edit Siret or Company Registry on partner attached to the company